Alexander James Bryant 'Alex'

Alexander James Bryant 'Alex'

28.09.1997 - 20.03.2023

Alex sadly passed away on Monday 20th March 2023, he will be lovingly remembered by all his family, friends and those who knew him.

Leonie (TYA)


Lex!! How the years have passed. I feel saddened to come across this memory wall as it means you are gone! Off up there causing mischief with Reece I’m sure!
I really hope the years away from the hospital were full of love and laughter. Rest easy now Lex…Leonie x

Sarah Mair Morgan


This unbearably sad to find out. Only 26 years old.

Sirivimonrat Matthews


Alex, we aren’t close like we were kids I would always cherish the memories we made when we were younger chasing each other around the pool with our booger coming out of our nose instead of blowing it out we would suck the booger while playing and screaming each other name out loud repeatedly, then we got sick by swimming too much , then we met again at big C that your mom said to your dad it’s that Simon then my dad turns around and said yes it’s me Simon loudly I was very shy but wish would known you better and got out of my comfort zone . You are an amazing guy and was lucky to have met you, your dad and mom speaks proudly of you. I will continue cherish the silly memories we made when we were kids, and continue listening to your song covers you made, Jemma, thank you for being there for him since the beginning he truly loves you. May your heart, mind and body heal sending my deepest sympathy just doesn’t seem enough I understand the grief but eventually one day you will feel better and cherish the good happy memories you guys made together.

Tony Genower


Alex, we didn't know you well but Jenny and I were close friends and neighbours of Dave and Lec (and before them Cherrill) who we had known since 1973.
We send our thoughts to all who have been affected by terrible disease.

Erin Harris


Dear Alex and Jemma,

I am so lucky i had the great honour of meeting the both of you, your love for each other showed no bounds, it is incredible. Alex, you have helped me smile that little brighter through the hardest parts of my life, you showed me everything i needed to know and more. Your kindness and compassion for everyone around you was so remarkable. I am forever grateful for the part you played in my life. You are someone who will live on in us all. Wishing you all the love and peace in the world.

Erin Harris

Pauline Hosgood


With my love

Janet Broadmore


I didn’t know Alex but l’m so pleased he had such love and support from you, your family and his friends.

Elliott Daley


Alex was a hero and always will be a hero. It was a privilege and honour to work with him on the beach. His positive outlook on life is something that I will always admire. I have many fond memories of working with Alex from him blaring out inappropriate music on the lifeguard hut PA system to him doing backflips off everything in sight and of course the mass rescue he did where he saved the lives of 5 children and 2 adults. Im immensely proud of him and will always look up to him for how well he did that rescue and how professional he was. He would always have your back and you could always count on him at work. One of my most favourite and funny stories I have of Alex is when we were both doing our lifeguard inshore rescue boat course years and years ago in Weymouth. We stayed there together for a week and on the final day had an assessment day.
We noticed on the beach there was a very attractive girl watching us so wanted to show off and I think she heard us talking about her so wanted to impress her even more.
One of the things we had to do on the assessment was ‘beaching’ the boat. This is when you drive the boat at speed and control towards the beach, landing it on the sand for us to then transfer a casualty.
We decided we were going to do this really fast to show off so we said to each other “let’s send it”. I forget who was driving and who was the crew but we took the boat out ready to go and turned it to face the beach.
We were told by the instructor to land the boat where he was as there were large sand bars just under water either side of him. Anyway, in our excitement we thought he meant don’t go where he was as he was marking the sandbar out. We were very wrong! We came in to the beach way too fast and hit the sand bar so hard we both came flying out of the boat and landed in a pile at the front of the boat, half hanging out. Safe to say we did not impress anyone that day however we both found it hilarious and were laughing about it for the rest of the day haha. All the best bro, you’ll be missed ❤️ (this photo is of us after we rescued a seagull caught in fishing lines, he saved not just people but animals too!)

Simon Smith


In fond memory of a lively member of my tutor group at The Littlehampton Academy, 2009-2014.

Rob Devo


Alex, you were a mighty force on the Rugby pitch and played a big part in that unbeaten year 11 season with some try saving tackles! You were a pleasure to teach and a top student. It was then great to work again with you through the RNLI a few years later on a couple of rescues! Rest in peace Alex. Rob Devo



my first memory of you was when Dolly bought you front of me stood this gorgeous looking lad with skinny black jeans a white t shirt , ring through your lip ( fake one) jet black sticking up hair and the most beautiful smile. You had come round to try and get Dolly to pierce your lip with a needle !!. You became part of our family, best friends with Max and spent nights on our sofa. Was an absolute pleasure to have you in our lives. You are one very special person that has taught me many things. You are the most beautiful soul that walked this earth. We all love you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Kiera Jarvis


Alex & Jemma

Thank you for making the hardest journey just that little easier. Your strength, determination & love outshined everything in TYA & this inspired us to try & be the same. It’s been an honour to know you both, to witness such a beautiful love story through the toughest times was so lovely. Sending love & peace to you both, you will always be in our hearts.

Kiera & Family

Mick & Sarah Frayne


A young man from a family dear to our hearts.



You were my first friend in this world. I felt invincible navigating through the early stages of our life together. I remember the excitement to see you, David and Lek every summer at Carol’s house in Normandy. We would take baths, play football in the garden, sprint across the field to try to get our kite to lift up off the ground, give each other the silent treatment if one of us lost in ping pong match, lie in bed and share stories about our first crushes, sneak into my granny’s candy cabinet when no one was around and made beards out of bath bubbles whilst we were bathing. We never lived in the same city but you were always a huge part of my life.
I’m so happy we had the chance to reconnect later on in our lives, and for you to know how much of a strong inspirational force you are in mine. You fought darkness with unconditional humor, optimism and light. I’m so grateful to have known a person as great as you. You are always with me.
All my love Alex

Heather Leggett


Such a courageous, vibrant and handsome man, bless you Alex. My sincere condolences, thoughts and prayers are with you all x

John Allen and Mervyn Short


In memory of Alex, a cheerful and friendly young man who was taken far too soon. Our thoughts are with Gemma and his family and friends.

Mark, Linda, Jenny and Rosie Edmondson


You'll always be the cheeky little lad, hiding from the embarrassingly drunk adults. Always and forever, The Edmos xxx

Anne Lamb-Cona


Dear Alex,
We just wanted to say what an absolute pleasure it’s been watching you grow from a young boy to a handsome young man. Our cheeky little’Alex Mondio’ who never seemed to take an easy route through life, but loved and laughed and was an amazing friend to our Dino and many more.

It has also been lovely watching the love between you and Jemma grow and grow into the solid loving caring relationship.

Alex, none of us know how long we’ve got when we enter this world, but for the time you’ve been here, you’ve made such a positive impression on everyone you have touched.

All we know is that we will all be together again
Lots of love Anne, Claudio, Oliver and Dino and little Lily x

Linda and Mark Edmondson


Alex, you're amazing. From when we first met - when you were about 3, just moved in to Parklands, and Lek had taken you to 'the jungle' for the day (aka Angmering forest), to all the laughs at swimming club... and the great parties with your mum and dad when you kept as far away as possible from all the embarrassing parent stuff. Love you deeply, and your beautiful parents. Hope you're all together xxxx

Dani Farrell



Thank you for always being the kindest, most pure hearted soul. You light up every single room with that infectious smile of yours. From our summerlea kids party days, to playing netball and to then driving around in your little fiat punto going to college and maccys on the daily (questionable driving though) but everyday in your company was a happy day . The strongest most caring human being ever. You are just one of a kind alex. Lots of love always, Dani xxx

Charlie Baker


This photo represents our first together and where our friendship started. Alex I feel so grateful to have grown up with you and have shared many different memories to treasure. I will never forget how kind and honest you were and I could speak to you about anything. Your the strongest person and your mindset was inspiring. I will never forget you brother, love you lots.

Melanie Pardoe


You will always be remembered for your kindness, amazing zest for life, your beautiful smile and your amazing true love for your beloved wife Jemma ❤ fly high among the angels you will never be forgotten Alex.. God bless love from the Pardoe family xx



Alex, you’re an amazing guy! I feel lucky and privileged I got to spend a season with you. There were so many highlights including when we showed the rest of the team how to play beach volleyball properly, singing Ed Sheeran as loud as we could and even having to row the boat back when the engine cut out on us. You taught me that life is for living and I’ll always appreciate that. You and Jemma are a fantastic couple and the perfect display of what love really is, you’re both truly an inspiration xxx

Iesha Golding


When I met you the first time, you was so high in spirits, always made me chuckle, always sneaking to do our machines for the drips, you will be dearly missed, much love to your family x

fiona and erin


Dear Alex, we met you at Erin’s first chemo back in 2021. You and Jemma have handled the highs and lows of your journey with such strength, dignity and positivity and have helped us more than you know. You are very special people and will always have a place in our hearts . Fiona (Erin’s mum)

Jade Arnold



Ellle Hosgood


We only met briefly but yours an Jems Love, strength, dignity and courage was a blessing like no other. Rest well my love x

Sami Tedeschi


Dear Alex, thank you for being you. You had the kindest heart, most infectious smile and one of the most genuine souls I have met. It was always a pleasure to be in your company. You always made us laugh and kept us entertained with your crazy ideas which sometimes got me into trouble…
Your strength and positivity will always inspire me. Love always, Sami



Alex, I remember you as a young lad growing up in senior school and being one off my brother’s (Sam Truckel) close friends. I have memories off doing dance classes that you and my brother was part off when you were about 13 and your laughter and cheeky personality would always shine ✨. Thank you for being an amazing friend to my brother and Courtney. Your smile I will always remember it was so infectious. You truly are a beautiful soul

Jeffrey Chamberlin


Deepest sympathy,

Jeff Chamberlin



Thank you Alex, for being so kind and supportive to me during treatment. I am so glad you were sat opposite me on that first chemo, with such a calm energy and the most reassuring smile xx

Scott Willmott


Alex was definitely one of the good ones. Hadn’t spoke to Alex in a fair time but all I remember is how caring, smart, funny and powerful he was. If you where ever down, Alex would change that. If you where ever hurting, Alex was there too talk to. He always saw the bright side of life even when life was dark. RIP Alex, your a true legend. And will be truly missed




Your boundless passion for life uplift the spirits of all those you encounter. Despite facing challenges, you stand firm and overcome obstacles with your bravery and persistence.

Thank you for making Jemma so happy. Your marriage was a true testament to the power of love, trust, and devotion.

Your strength and bravery continues to inspire us all.

Love always,




The perfect husband to my best friend!
Your love for each other is like something from a movie and it is so beautiful. Thank you for making Jems so happy.
Your cheeky, inappropriate jokes that used to catch me off guard to begin with, until Jems just rolled her eyes and I realised it was okay to laugh along, will always make me chuckle!
Your strength is so admirable and continues to inspire us all.
Lots of love, Jade x

Amy Clifford



Thank you for being my best friend when I needed it most. You have the most infectious smile and are so kind and caring, I will forever cherish our memories.

I don’t remember exactly how we became friends but I remember seeing you at school with headphones around your neck and thought you were the coolest person I had ever seen and from that moment I knew I needed to be your friend! This led to many great memories of you coming down the road on your long board to play video games. Receiving messages like “hey i’ve just got halo remastered want to come play?” and “hey i’ve just started drawing on my bedroom walls, wanna come help me make it look good?” (not sure we ever got it looking great, haha!).

I must say I have never got into as much trouble as i did with you that one night we snuck out in the middle of the night without our parents knowing! Safe to say they found out and werent too pleased, haha!

I have never been so surprised as the time we went out to 2 restaurants, had 2 dinners and then stopped at mcdonalds on the way home and you ordered 20 cheese burgers?! I thought you were kidding but when I saw you demolish them, the amount of push ups you used to do in your room started to make sense! I will always think of you as my big bro and will look back on these memories fondly, love you always x

Steve Lewis


Alex, you enrich the lives of each and every person you meet with your charisma and infectious enthusiasm for life. You have the biggest heart and the kindest soul. I can throw so many superlatives at you, but here are just a few; loyal, brave, dignified, remarkable, funny, unconventional, ridiculously handsome, clever and inspirational. But most of all you are a beautiful human being. Thank you for giving me strength and our conversations putting the 'world to rights' I love you - always - Steve x

Max Roger


Alex, my big brother. I feel so blessed & fortunate to have been one of the lucky people who got to create so many incredible, hilarious memories with you. From wild teenagers, stealing your parents cars, crazy nights out, accidentally leading you down the wrong alley into a fight. Then us growing up, maturing & having beautiful double dates. Takeaways with me, you, Jemma & Bell and talking about life into the early hours of the morning. Your energy, smile & laugh was so infectious & your loyalty was truly unmatched. You were the perfect example of a true gentleman of this world. I will take so much of how strong & positive you were into my life, that if I become half the man you were I will be eternally happy. We always told each other how much we loved each other. So once again I love you & will miss you forever my big brother until we get to see each other again.

Ethan Winson-Hockley


Alex man, you know I am an emotionally bastard however I will get out what I need to say. I have so many fond memories of you, all of which are so inspiring and push me forward. I remind one night when I felt so down that you messaged me in the middle of the night to tell me that you would be outside in 5 mins. Sooner or later, there you were with a huge smile on your face to lighten my mood. You drove us down some old farm road by some old farm barn and I remember you insisting me to climb it. After some persuading I followed you to the roof where you lay down on your back staring at the stars. I remember being so concerned at the time, what if the farm came, is the roof safe enough, but there you were happy as Larry awaiting me to say with you. You told me “Don’t be so sad man, look at all the stars”…

In years to come you continued to show me the stars in my life. I love you so much broski, and remember that the emperor protects…



Hey Alex,
Do you remember the many times you would come into my room, at god knows what time, and tell my Alexa to play heavy metal music at full volume and then run away like a naughty child leaving me traumatised, shouting at my Alexa to stop but she couldn’t hear me because the music was too loud. Such a hilarious memory now but soooo annoying at the time!!
This picture of you says it all - love you lots brother x

Donna Parker


I was never privileged enough to meet you Alex, however, through your mother in law Michelle- I felt like I knew you. The admiration she had for your fight for life. How you made my god daughter Jemma full of love towards you and the photos I’ve seen you just seemed to be a genuine person. Jemma gave her everything to you as you did to her - the fact your paths crossed and went on a journey together was amazing for you both.
Sadly, you couldn’t stay long enough in this world to share more memories- but, I know you will forever be in the Hay family’s heart and Jemma will always be watched over by you.
You were an amazing young man and I know you are free from pain - but, always in many people’s heart.
Thank you for making Jemma happy xx



I just heard the terrible news and I am devastated. I met Alex in 2000. I remember him as a bright kid with such zest for life and such a beautiful laugh. Our paths only crossed again very recently on facebook. I greatly admire the strength with which he faced the torments of life. I was hoping to come and meet him. I would like to offer my condolences to his family and in particular to his wife. Even if we don't know each other, you can always count on my friendship and on the loyalty of my feelings towards your husband.



I hadn’t spoken to Alex in a long time, maybe even 13 years or so. That doesn’t make his loss any easier but I have nothing but fond memories of him. What a beautiful soul he is. You will always be in my memories Alex.

Michelle Hay


My handsome Son in Law, what a Warrior you are! Always ready to fight for what you beleive, never holding back on your thoughts and feelings. You fiercely go towards your dreams with boldness and a passion which is so inspiring. You hold your ground in the face of adversity and knock down barriers with courage and tenacity. Anyone that was lucky enough to call you friend knows your loyalty is unwavering. The fire in your heart continues to burn so strong and we know the flames will never fade. You have lived your earthly life with such intensity that anyone that crossed your path felt your force.
I know Alex that your spirit will continue to grow and your soul will be forever present in all our lives. Love you always and forever x

Cathy McHale


Alex… I can’t believe you have left us to become an angel. I remember growing up with you and spending time with your family and my family together either at one of our houses or on the boat. Or when we used to play Mario cart on the wii and you used to always beat me and I could never understand how. I remember when you showed me halo for the first time and I thought it was really cool! You also helped me through thick and thin even if you have had a bad day you would always make me laugh and smile. Thank you for everything Alex you will always have a place in my heart! Xx

Angus Ashcroft


Alex was such an amazing person, crazy at times but that’s what made him him. Such a funny an unique guy. Always was good at taking an giving advice which I loved about him, also whenever I saw him he was always smiling which made me smile! I will forever cherish our memories together an forever love an miss him!❤️

Pippa Spicer


Dedicating this donation to the gorgeous Alex. He has been so strong through everything. He is such a kind hearted person and heaven is extremely lucky to have him. Rest in peace Alex. Sending lots of hugs to Jem and family x

Sophie Fuller


Alex, what a wonderful, inspirational person! Perfect for Jemma. This photo is from 2021 when we went to Slug & Lettuce in Gunwharf for lunch. We had a lovely time with you & Jem. You bought us such lovely gifts for an engagement present. You are both the real meaning of true love and we’re so lucky to have you as friends. Your both such a beautiful couple & i’m so happy your married! Lots of love Soph & Nath xxx



Alex, you beautiful soul. Every memory I have of you I picture your big smile and contagious laugh. I remember a little after I met Sam at 15 and we were at a party. My mum had told me that I had to be home at 11, and you drove me home so I didn’t get told off. I remember seeing you down the beach all summer lifeguarding. Your love for the beach is amazing, and I cherish those lockdown summer days down the beach where you and Jem would be straight in the sea, and Eth got in in his boxers then instantly regretted it. I remember my 21st birthday where you were the designated fire man as you love fire so much. You watched over it all night and kept it going so we’d all be warm in the evening. I’ll always remember that you and Jem introduced me to the best Thai food ever, and I always order the same thing every time now. I remember the fun nights round your house in the garage where we’d all laugh, play pool, and you boys would get the weights out. There are so many more wonderful memories I have of you. What a gorgeous person you are, and a wonderful friend to us all. You are the husband of dreams to Jem, and you two really are a match made in heaven. I know you’ll be watching over us until the end of time with words of wisdom and hilarious, inappropriate jokes. Love you, Alex.

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