Ann Mahala Gristwood

Ann Mahala Gristwood

03.03.1939 - 22.03.2021

Ann passed away on 22nd March 2021 aged 82 years. Much loved Mum, Nan, Great Nan and friend to many. Greatly missed, in our hearts forever. Ann was the organist at St Thomas à Becket Church Pagham for many years.

Stephen Lucas


Dear Anne, she was such a good friend, and so supportive towards Pauline and myself. Anne was generous, warm and always willing to listen. I know she will be greatly missed by the Church Family at Pagham.
May she rest in peace and rise in glory.



In memory of Ann Gristwood with our love - John Clare & Niki xxx



Here is one of my favourite photos of Ann, taken on Remembrance Sunday, looking as beautiful and elegant as ever. Even though this was always such an important and busy day for her, she still made time for a photo with our latest class mascot (this became a tradition!)
Ann, I keep thinking of things I need to tell you - bit of gossip, news about the family, things that will make you laugh...words can't describe how much you will be missed. It was a privilege and a joy to be your friend.

Susan O'Neill


So sorry to hear of Ann's sudden passing, as a member of the St Thomas a Becket Church family, the loss to our Church will be immense, it will be hard to be in Church without her beautiful music and her constant presence. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and loved ones, to lose someone so loved and cherished so suddenly is very hard to bear.
Ann was ageless, always such fun, with a wicked sense of humour and a twinkle in her eye, that is how I shall remember her. Rest in Peace beautiful lady.

Peter and Carol-Anne Pocock


Dear Ann,
Your loss to our church is immense. You were the Church. We met on our Wedding Blessing 23 years ago when you exclaimed oh "Your the 8 O 'clockers!!" (We attended the 8am service). Never been called that before.
Ann was always keen to know my (Carol-Anne's) progress on learning the piano and said
I could replace her sometime. Well at Grade 5 I have a long, long way to go. Thank you for your support.
God Bless and we will miss you. xx

Ken & Wendy


Ann was the organist at our wedding at Pagham in 2005. Despite moving to County Durham in 2008, she continued to write to us every year with news from Pagham. She was a lovely lady and we will miss hearing from her.

Graham Delury


God bless and rest in peace

Victoria, Sally-Ann and Roland Ell


Ann, you were truly an amazing, caring, kind and supportive person to us as a family. Always doing so much for so many people. We always enjoyed seeing you at church when you played the organ and having a chat after the service. You so kindly invited us to your house for many an enjoyable meal, party and a coffee and chat with you and the family. You were a very special friend to us. We are going to miss you so much and more than words can say. Our thoughts, love and prayers are with Kate, Natalie and Alfie and all the family.

Alison Blenkinsop


I am very grateful to have known Ann through my membership of Pagham Church for the last 6 years, and to benefit from her friendly encouragement. Her faithful service to God and the music of the Church has been truly inspiring, and I feel sure she is now making wonderful music in God's full presence because of her trust in Jesus. Her family are much in my heart and prayers at this sad time of loss.

Jenny Williams


So sorry to hear of Ann’s passing, she was a kind lady, devoted to her music and we looked forward to seeing her at church. She played the organ at our wedding 26 years ago. We are grateful to have known her. Recent years, showed us she was loving her little Alfie and proud to show him off. She will be remembered with a smile and sadly missed. God Bless you Ann

Jenny and Mark Williams

Pat Harvey-Mason


A lovely lady devoted to her family Ann will be greatly missed x

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