Anthony John Street - 'Tony'

Anthony John Street - 'Tony'

28.03.1947 - 20.02.2021

Tony passed away at home surrounded by his family on 20th February 2021 aged 73 years. He will be greatly missed by all his family and friends.



No day is good without you, mis you so very much

Sally Street


Missing you sweetheart

Sally Street


Sweetheart I said goodbye to you three years today on out 43rd wedding anniversary, there’s not a day goes by that I think about you and miss you still love you so very much xxxx

Sally Street


Been thinking about you more and more lately, I miss you xxx



Missed you very much over Christmas, left a chair free for you, love you



Missed you very much over Christmas, left a chair for you all my love



Seems a long time I’ve written to you, you’re not forgotten always in my thought still love and miss you so very very much xxxx

Sally Street


Hello sweetheart, been thinking about you lots, never a hour goes by. Love you

Sally Street


Been an age since I last wrote on this page, but it doesn’t mean I don’t think of you, I chat away to you every night and you’re in my thoughts every day, there’s not an hour that goes by without me wishing



Nearly Christmas, Amber and I were remembering how much you loved and made it such a wonderful time, making up all the games for people to enjoy. Love you sweetheart xxx

Sally Street


Hello sweetheart, not left a message lately, but you are always in my thoughts xxxx

Sally Street


Am so miserable without you, missing you so very much

Sally Street


To the best father any child would be proud to call dad, and a magnificent husband, still love and miss you so very much

Sally Street


Thinking of you all day, love and miss you so very very much xx

Sally Street


Sweetheart, today would have been our 44 year wedding anniversary, remember you ever day but had to say goodbye to you one year ago , will be releasing balloons at dusk for you and Sammy. Love you so very much



Some days are harder than ever. I miss you so much . Tears fall for no reason then I remember it's because you are not here.
Always my lovely dad xxx

Sally Street


First Christmas and new year without you, missed you more than you’d ever imagine, love you more each day, soon sweetheart soon xxx



The pain of not having you here hit the hardest today. I miss you so much my lovely dad. Xxxx

Sally Street


Hello sweetheart, just to let you know I miss you more each day, love you so very much xxx



Hello sweetheart, miss you so very much, am ready anytime xxx



Love you sweetheart xxx

Sally Street


Horrible day without you today, you were such a fantastic dad to our three children, I’m still not sure how I managed to get you to marry me, you destroyed so much better. Miss you and love you always



Happy Father’s Day dad! First of many without you, thank you for being the man you were and teaching me to be the dad I am today! And thanks for my terrible dad humour!
Love you always



You would have been proud today of Harry, he played so well, he’s really coming along in the role he does. You could always have a word with the big man upstairs to give him a little nudge!
Amber’s doing well at school few wobbles but that’s teenagers for you! I was a pain in the bum so I guess she gets it from me!



Some days you just need your dad, today is one of those days, miss you very much Xxxxxxxxx

Sally Street


Miss you more and more each day sweetheart xx

Sally Street


Back home where you belong xx

Sally Street


You would have celebrated your birthday today, went for our usual bluebell hunt. Love you sweetheart xx



43 years ago, you made me the happiest person when we got married, today was the hardest and saddest day of my life as I had to say goodbye to you, you made my life complete thank you, always in my thoughts and heart

Adabelle Thorley


It was a privilege and an honour to know you rest in peace handsome xx



Sweetheart. It’s been a month since I saw the love coming from your twinkling eyes and held hands whilst we slept, miss you more and more each day. Love you so very much



Words will never be enough to tell the world how fantastic you are as a father .
For the times you have helped and guided me through troubled times in my life, I thank you.
For the love and compassion you have shown me and in turn taught me to show to others, I thank you.
For lifes lessons you have taught me , the guidance and strength you have given me, I thank you.
We promise to look after mum and keep her out of trouble.
This is not goodbye but a see you again.
Love you always and forever,
Ta ta for now,
Diddy head xxxx

Sharon, Iain, Margaret, Matt & Chris


When we think of Tony we will remember him as a kind & friendly person He always had a smile on his face & a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Tony always had time for everyone. He was never unkind & we will miss him greatly.
Always in our thoughts and remembered with love & affection

Sally Street


I talk about you because I’m proud of you.

I talk about you because you deserves to be remembered.

I talk about you, because your the biggest and best part of my life.

I talk about you because I love you still and I always will and I always will. Forever, nothing could ever change the love I have for you

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

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