Anthony Terence Orme - 'Tony'

Anthony Terence Orme - 'Tony'

18.02.1945 - 12.09.2019

Tony sadly passed away on 12th September 2019 aged 74 years. He will be greatly missed by his loving wife Chris and all his family and friends.

Joseph Cuschieri


Chris, I knew Tony many years ago he was a good friend I'm sorry for your loss . I'm visiting the UK from the US and its just now that I found out. I have very fond memories of Tony ( nature boy ) and his mini that he loved from the sixties. Again I send my condolences and sorry for being late.
Joseph Cuschieri

Christine Orme


My heart still aches with sadness and many tears still flow. What it meant to lose you no one will ever know. I hold you close within my heart and there you will remain to walk with me throughout my life until we meet again.
Tony 3 long years today and I miss you more than ever.

Your ever loving wife

Christine Orme


Two long years My darling. I love and miss you more each day. Always in my thoughts. We had such a wonderful life together and I miss that more than ever.
Your forever loving wife,




Dear Tony
I think of you often, but especially today.
Much love
Elaine xx

Elaine Hagger


Dear Chris - Just seen this page - what a lovely idea
I hope it brings you some small comfort at this dreadful time
Tony was much loved and is solely missed by all who knew him and of course he will always be with you
You two had a truly special relationship and one which many people never get to experience
My love and very best wishes Chris

Christine Orme


As long as hearts remember. As long as hearts still care, We do no part with those we love they're with us everywhere.
Life can never stay the same no matter how we try our hands can never stop the clock from ticking by.
But love remains unchanging in the care of sorrowing hearts for as the love of life is stilled the love of memory starts.
Remembering Tony Orme on the first anniversary of his death, 12th September 2019. He was a man in constant motion and knew each day was not to be wasted.
I will always be thankful for the love he showed my sister.
Tony was a selfless, hardworking decent and sincere man who we all miss terribly.

RIP my dear brother-in-law - Teresa Ballinger Finch

Tracy and Bob


The good times will always be remembered Tony. Your positivity and sense of calm was envied by all and someone as special as you will never be forgotten
Love Tracy and Bob

Christine Orme


You were everything in life to me
my Husband and my Friend
And though you had to leave me
Our love will never end

I think about you always
and talk about you too
I have such wonderful memories
but I wish I still had you

I have lost my soul's companion
a life linked to my own
And day by day I miss you more
as I walk through life alone

To my darling Tony on the anniversary of your passing 12th September 2019. I cannot put into words how much life has changed for me. I miss you so much. You are my life and always will be. You fought such a brave fight and were always so positive. I was always so proud of you. Until we meet again darling - Rest In Peace.

Your ever loving wife


Elaine Doe


Dear Tony
A year has gone by since you left us but the very fond memories I have of you will never fade.
God bless.

Valerie Silverthorn (Merriman)


Remembering Tony from my teens when I lived opposite him in London, spent many hours over his house learning to cook with his Mum and going to swimming on a Monday night, happy memories , sadly missed Valerie

Gill Brooker


Dave and I have happy memories of visits and trips with the a group Travel Organisation (now AGTO). We were all on the same wavelength and had a great time. Tony was a lovely man.

Ron Williamson


I first met Tony when I was 17 when we both worked at Radiomobile We socialised also with lots of other friends. Tony & I eventually took different paths but we still met up regularly as we both still lived in Cricklewood. We had quite a few holidays together, one of which comes to mind. Tony & I went on a week's holiday to Athens. Another friend Paul had a girlfriend working there & we arranged to meet her at a restaurant. There we were introduced to ' Retsina' the nearest equivalent to Turpentine. They didn't have much in the way of decent wine in the 70's. Tony saw off most of a bottle & the next thing he was inviting all these ' blokes' up on to the floor to dance with him. I said Tone do you realise what you're doing, but he was enjoying himself. I did have a bit of trouble getting him back to the hotel where he spent the night on the bathroom floor propped up against the toilet. Unfortunately the next day we had booked a boat trip to some of the the outlying islands & poor old Tony was a bit worse for wear. Tony & I also did Continental cookery at evening classes but Tony was very squeamish about handling Liver & refused to touch it. We had many more adventures regularly visiting lots of Mecca dance halls including the ' Grab a Granny' nights at the notorious Hammersmith Palais & the Castle in Richmond. After a while we got fed up with this & Tony had seen an advert in Time Out for a social club for professional people called London Village so we signed up. For the next few years most Saturdays were party nights & we travelled all over London, the only entrance fee being a bottle of wine. We met lots of new friends. We also usually went to Bailey's in Watford on a regular basis & I was there on the night that Tony met Chris. I could go on a lot more but I will close now & Tony will always be in my memory.



Remembering you, Tony
With love from Tracy and Bob



How lovely to see such fantastic photos of amazing memories shared by Chris and Tony. Tony was a placid, helpful and easy-g0ing man. It was great fun when we all got together for the 'Bognor Bashes'. Tony's kindness and sense of humour were wonderful.
Rest in peace, Tony.

Tracy and Bob


We always looked forward to hearing about Chris and Tony's travels and adventures around the world. Tony was positive, happy and great to be around. Tony was also a kind and caring person who will be missed, though we have many great memories of being in his company which we will cherish.
Rest in peace Tony.

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