Barbara Beaumont

Barbara Beaumont

11.04.1939 - 15.05.2021

Barbara sadly passed away at St. Richards Hospital on Saturday 15th May 2021, she will be sorely missed by her family and all those who knew her.

Monica Catley


In 1979 I saw an advert for Swiss Holidays in the Exchange and Mart. I phoned the no. and Barbara answered. Her voice was so warm and helpful I trusted her at once and booked a holiday. From that one phone call came a long and very happy friendship with Barbara and the family. I will always be so thankful to have known Barbara and will never forget times spent with her, most of all times spent in Switzerland and the holiday in Kenya. My prayers are with all her family

Joan Joselyn


Remembering Barbara with much affection. From our time together working for Swiss Holidays to later days, when much time was spent over the years visiting garden centres, shopping and sharing notes about our families. A wonderful friend to my husband and myself. Her wise and vibrant company much missed over the past 3 years. You are at peace now, dear friend.

Linda Younger


It's has been lovely having you as one of my closest friends for so many years. Wonderful memories of trips to Switzerland.
Miss our calls ever Monday miss you loads.

William Beaumont


In loving memory of my sister-in-law Barbara Helen Beaumont.
I am Bill (84y) the brother to the late Brian Beaumont. I have had the lifelong pleasure of knowing Barbara since the early 1950 at Southwater where she lived in her early years. She has always been a good relation to our passed family and will forever be in our thoughts and sadly very much missed by us here in Spain and ALL her loving family. Now your work is done may your God now care for you and that you now rest in peace.
William Beaumont and Lynda Ray here in Spain.

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

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