Chris Bonnar

Chris Bonnar

28.03.1950 - 27.02.2019

Chris was born in Ballycastle, Ireland on 28th March 1950 and moved to Bognor when he was very young.  He will be sadly missed by all his family and friends.

Danny Bonnar


Thanks to my brother Jim, we were very sad to discover only now that Chris, our cousin, had departed this life back in 2019.
Chris and I were the same age & enjoyed many innocent good times as youngsters, here in Ballycastle when he (along with Neal, Uncle John and Aunt Betty) came back on holidays - a lifetime ago.
Unfortunately, we lost touch with Chris many years ago although remember him very fondly.

Belated condolences to Maureen, Sarah and Jessica;
and Neal and Susie.

PS: If any of Chris' family circle would like to get back in touch, we would love to hear from you & catch up on Chris' life.

The Ballycastle Bonnars:
Jim (London)
Sean (Manchester)
Danny (Ballycastle)
Brian (Ballycastle)
Brendan (Ballycastle)
Noel (Ballycastle)
Malachy (Ballycastle).



Nite nite Skippy. So proud of how you managed that beast MND. I will treasure for ever the happy memories we made together. Lots of love, sleep tight. Numnum xxxx

Terry Leahy


Well over 50 years - from kids surfing the stairs at Ockley Road, and on Bognor beach (see photo to prove it!) to my first pint at The Lamb, Pagham, through various phases in and out of each others lives - always has, and alwys will, bring a smile.

Thoughts are with Maureen, Sarah and Jessica, and Neal and Susie.

With a smile......
Terry and Paula

Gloria Berardo


Special memories dear Chris,may you rest in peace,please tell my Paul up there to behave himself,you always cared,you were a great guy and will be sadly missed xx

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

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