Colin Lord

Colin Lord

20.12.1938 - 09.11.2020

Colin sadly passed away on 9th November, at St Wilfrid’s Hospice after a short illness, aged 81 years. Beloved husband of Maureen, much loved daddy of Vicky and Jolyon and loving grandpa of Max, Edward, Soren and Henry.


Eulogy for Colin
By Kate

For those of you that are not aware of how my sister Sarah and I came into the lives of Colin, Maureen, Vicky and Jolyon, I need to take you back to September of 1978. The hit movie “Grease” starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton John had just been released and the highly pitched Bee Gees song “Staying Alive” dominated our airways. My parents had just been seconded to Brazil and Sarah and I were plunged into English boarding school life. Scurrying nuns and six hundred hormonally challenged girls became the norm. To our immense relief however, Colin and Maureen had been appointed as our legal guardians, offering us some respite in the form of ‘exeat’ weekends. Seizing the very first opportunity to enjoy some home comforts, Sarah and I used up one of our precious life-lines, and so it was, during our first ever exeat weekend, Colin and family welcomed us with open arms to number 7, High Trees, soon to become our second home.

Now, I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the children’s story book “My Naughty Little Sister’? Well, Sarah, otherwise known as “Sparky” was mine. She had learnt, being the fifth member of a family of six, that the louder she screamed, the more attention she got. Colin although totally unfamiliar with such tactics, was however quick to catch on. He had, after all, been thrown into the deep end by inadvertently becoming the father of not one but three daughters overnight! One blustery day, as we took a family walk along the beach, Sparky was up to her usual antics. Colin, on the other hand, was having none of it. As he casually slung her over his shoulder, he said in a nonchalant manner “We won’t be having any of that nonsense thank you very much’! and proceeded to chuck her into the sea!! From that point onwards, John Travolta slid right down in my popularity stakes as Colin took pride of place at the top, becoming my very own superhero!!

On a more sober note, another poignant memory springs to mind of a time when Colin had noticed that I was upset. Unlike most people, he did not try and offer me solutions, or endeavour to talk my sensitive teenager self out of my hurt feelings, but instead simply pulled me close and gave me a hug. People say that in life they do not remember what you have said to them, but they do remember how you made them FEEL. I am sure you will all agree with me when I say that Colin made people feel welcomed, understood and above all loved. Whether it was through his day to day banter, or via one of his funny jokes, delivering the punchline with prowess, he had the ability to brighten up any room by his mere presence and sense of fun.

As Heaven welcomes home one of it’s own, we have lost one of our best. But Colin’s legacy lives on in the form of a kaleidoscope of cheerful and heartwarming memories … such as pootling along in his ever faithful Citröen, Maureen by his side, Bee Gees blaring and cigarette in hand, as he shouts “You girls ok in the back?” 

We were more than ok thank you Colin and what a fabulous ride it has been … I mean you set Sparky straight for a start! You constantly amused us with your jokes, entertained us with your banter, provided us with fun times and comforted us with hugs. Sarah and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for providing us with a loving sanctuary and safe haven from school and I personally thank you for being my superhero, all be it for too short a while. It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege knowing you.

And finally Colin I have not missed the irony of your name, as it slowly dawns on me that you have indeed had the last laugh …I picture the scene as you prepare to meet The LORD your Maker … you sauntering up to The Pearly Gates, reminiscent of a scene from a Bond movie, golf club in hand, trademark twinkle in your eye, as you proudly introduce yourself, “My name is LORD, Colin Lord!!”

Vicky Jones


Daddy’s Poem
read at his funeral by his daughter Vicky and written with help from her dear friend Drew.

We’re here in celebration of the life of one great man
Few can call him daddy but I’m proud to say, we can……
Jo and I were privileged, throughout our childhood days
Love was always plentiful, in most supportive ways ……..

Daddy met mummy when she was just eighteen
They shared some ‘friendship’, firstly, but then daddy was quite ‘keen’
He woo’d her, I’d imagine, with his normal cheeky tricks
And finally they married, back in April ’66……

They shared so many passions, as in, both of them could jive
And, in their Merlin Rocket days, well, one of them could gybe!..
Just the perfect couple, just the perfect mix
Though mummy never quite acquired his love of Weetabix…..

Our childhood was idyllic, we’d visit France and Spain
With our own armada, yes, with many craft we came!...
Sailing dinghies, Windsurfers, we’d travel from afar
Jo and I quite often finding no room in the car…..

Oh and…… daddy built a windsurfer when they became the rage
Though, I think that, from the manual, he might have skipped a page
It wasn’t carbon fibre, if you know what I mean…
Not so much a windsurfer but more a submarine…..

Daddy was just there for us and proud of all our feats
Then proud of all our grandchildren, we all received his treats
He’d bribe me to go swimming, a pound to win a race
A pound for every try Jo scored, could he keep up this pace?.....

Luckily Jo moved away and I gave up the pool
So daddy could play golf again, ignoring the odd rule …..
Golf was Daddies passion and one of his careers
Working in the industry for over 30 years….

Daddy was a Francophile, the French did not escape
His playful wit and banter though they hoped he’d not migrate
Like Oliver, dear Daddy, was inclined to ask for ‘more’
So they feared he might exhaust supplies of wine and plat du Jours….

Daddy was an extrovert, in French, a ‘bon viveur’
Partial to a tipple but you’d never hear him slur
If Daddy graced a dinner party, wit was never slow
Daddy at the ready with a stream of ‘tres bon mots’ ………

Maybe slightly playful if he’d supped his favourite red
But no one could sense malice, not in anything he’d said
Daddy was so humorous but also no-ones fool
Tossing playful words around like pebbles in a pool……

Watching as the ripples spread, not turbulent just gentle
Sometimes Daddys humour was a bit ‘experimental’……
He would ‘test the water’, so offence would not occur
But then deliver stories, just a brilliant raconteur ……

Daddy could read people just as he could read a green
Always taking interest, never arrogant or mean
Making them feel comfortable, a quiet quip or jest
I swear in people, generally, he just brought out the best ……

We gather here together in a bid that we’ll be strong
I take some strength from knowing that his memory will live on
So Daddy, from us here, it’s not ‘adieu’ it’s ‘au revoir’
Your jokes will be repeated, living with us, from afar!

Martin Coulton


So many happy memories of Colin going back 50 plus years.
What a lovely friend, he will be sorely missed by so many.
Ba and Martin

Gill & Ian


In memory of a truly lovely man. We will miss you Colin. Rest in peace love Ian and Gill xxxx

Veronica Frears


Dear Colin may you rest in peace with happy memories and our love .Tom and Roni.



We will miss you Colin. John will miss doing all your repairs or was it just an excuse for a sneaky drink in the garage. John & Barbara xxxxx



We watched the service online and enjoyed the lovely words spoken by Vix and Sara. Well done girls.
Colin would have been very pleased with that service.

IAN Judy Burton


With our Fondest thoughts love Ian and Judy



In memory of a lovely man, a true gentleman and a good friend. We will always miss you.

Yvette Mahon


Happy memories of my childhood. Your family always made me feel so welcome & I’ll always remember Colin’s warmth, generosity & his humour. That twinkly smile...
Thinking of you all so much.
With much love, Yvette xx

Susan and Bob


In memory of a wonderful man, a true gentleman and a good friend, we will always miss you.

Taff and San


Colin, you have been such a super friend over so many years and we will miss you greatly. Sleep well.

Paul Steels Michelle Jones


To a guy who always had a smile on his face and story to tell. You will be missed by many. All the best to your family in theses sad times. RIP

Jon Ruddick


Remembering a witty and amusing man. Our love and best wishes to Maureen and the family.

Jon , Jude and Simon

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