David Francis Owgan

David Francis Owgan

23.12.1940 - 05.12.2023

David passed away peacefully on 5th December 2023. A huge loss and greatly missed by family, friends and the congregation of St Richard’s.

Diana Lacey


I met David when my friend Teresa and I attended a dance at one of the Royal air forces dances, we were both nurses at St Richards Hospital I was one of their bridesmaids. Unfortunately we lost touch after my Wedding in 1967 and we moved to Wales. It has been my Husbands and I greatest joy in renewing our friendship over the last few years and getting to know them once again. We were so sorry to heard of his passing and will remember him with love and friendship.

Edward (Ted)Liddle


To David's family.
My name is Ted Liddle a former P.c at Midhurst Police Station from 1972 to retirement 1989.
I served many hours, nights and days at Chichester, especially on overtime, when the compliment of staff was low or for special events.
David would have been the local Chichester P.c that I would have spent many hours with especially when on night shift.
We got on very well together, enjoying his company, local advice and guidance.
So sorry that he had to suffer such health issues when being of the same age I have managed so far to steer clear of anything serious, I am so very fortunate but so glad we met and worked together. In meeting David my life has been all the more enhanced.
Ted Liddle B.E.M.

Jane Burch


David, a man of strong faith and conviction of his beliefs.
With a greatful heart for David's life and for all that he gave to our parish family. With a greatful heart for the love he had for this wife Theresa and son Andrew. May you both continue to be blessed by that love.

Christ is Risen, Allelujah, Allelujah! May the Glory of the Lord shine on David.

Jane & Charlie Burch


In loving memory of dear David, a kind hearted and generous man. Always ready to help with a warm and welcoming smile. His presence in our parish family, will be dearly missed.
He has now gone to Glory to be with Our Lord!
With much love to you Theresa and Andrew.

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

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