Dennis Wragg

Dennis Wragg

21.12.1927 - 30.10.2020

Dennis sadly passed away at Aldersmead Nursing Home on the 30th October 2020. He will be sadly missed by all his family and friends

Clive & Janine


Many find memories of a lovely man x

Brenda & Steve Mepsted


Brenda & Steve Mepsted
You’ve been a lovely Brother in Law
We will miss your sense of humour that’s for sure.
Rest in Peace Den.

Sheila Breskal


We will miss you Dad. Thanks for all the happy times. Love from Sheila and Peter x

Chris Breskal


Armchairs and Humbugs

I hear an old fashioned song emanating from the armchair,
There sits a man with a surprisingly fine voice with thinning grey hair
He picks up a game, an old dusty gadget
It’s old but refurbished, he say’s I can have it

I then crash on the sofa, it’s time to watch sport
W’ere watching the snooker…well that’s what I thought
Another bad pun and a jokey conversation
This man seriously could talk for the nation!

But even as we enjoy watching Ronnie win
He just keeps on talking… well it is his thing
But really this man always has a great story
After all, he was born over 60 years before me

Now rolling back many a year
He talks of a time where there was real fear
Grew up on the East End relatively poor
Persevered through hardship, worked through the war

But despite all of this and years of hard labour
He truly could not be considered a complainer
Through admirable stoicism he always would manage
Amidst the wonderful feat of over 60 years of marriage

Which brings us to his family and wonderful wife
A true unsung hero throughout her life
Both decent and good people right down to the core
A trait which seems so hard to find anymore

I unwrap a mint and we share another memory
Kids, grandkids, a great grand child, part of the legacy
Reminiscing yesterday with so many people and laughs
Jack and Joan amongst the many who'd crossed paths

However, despite knowing we could talk all day and all night
I notice it’s getting dark and so I switch on the light
I crunch through my humbug and say bye for a while
I shake his hand and leave with a smile

As time moves on I decide it’s time to go back
Some daytime tv or cricket, we’ll enjoy with a snack
Though sadly when I return, I realise the armchairs now empty
But I look a little closer, and I can see memories aplenty

For now in some ways it’s time to be sad,
But I’m incredibly thankful for the time that we had
You’ve mended that broken draw, you’ve fixed that light
You’ve always been a character that never gave up without a fight

But all I have to say for now is rest easy grandad
Your presence shines on through good times and bad
You have given everyone so much which is treasured now, as it was then
And treasure it I certainly will, until the day we meet again

Chris Breskal


For me personally grandad was not only a quintessential grandfather but also one of my best friends. All throughout my early childhood and teens I have nothing but positive and happy memories with my grandparents. From the days of them both visiting Bognor in their caravan, to ever enjoyable visits to Rochester to see them both. Old VHS tapes and 80s gadgets galore spring to mind- in addition to his uncompromising aptitude in keeping me and my sisters entertained. (All the while my parents and gran worked their hearts out in our B&B, ensuring our financial boat stayed afloat!)

Nevertheless, it so happens that in my early childhood and through to my mid-teens I was also very lucky to have Jack, a dear elderly family friend and friend of grandad. He certainly filled in the 'grandad role' and helped to provide me and my sisters with a wonderful and privileged childhood.

But when Jack passed it was only a couple of years until both of my grandparents permanently relocated to our quaint little town on the seaside. And from this time I really did get to experience such an abundance of wonderful memories with grandad on a very frequent basis, stretching all the way through my twenties.
From a shared love of watching sport (particularly snooker), to never failing to provide comic relief, anecdotes and innumerable laughs. I would go around to his and grans aptly named 'Dinky Den' regularly where he would always make me smile with his uncanny ability to lift your mood, (even if he did drive you a bit nuts sometimes!)
One standout recent memory was in 2019, when England won the Cricket World Cup. He mentioned that it was one of the best sporting moments he'd witnessed, and I will always treasure being able to remember enjoying that with him.

However, 2020 was only a few days old when I said my farewell to him as I ventured off to start a new job in Vietnam. I knew I was really going to miss him but I hoped i'd be able to tell him about it all when I returned to the UK. Sadly it wasn't to be, in spite of one thoroughly entertaining video call back in the summer.

I will never be able to truly summarise in one document what a fantastic character, grandparent, parent, husband, brother etc he was, nor all the many anecdotes and stories.
However, I was able to muster up the time to write a small tribute/ poem which was read out by my great mate, Tom. (Close friend of the family and grandad, who attended the funeral in my absence) I will leave it on another post and I hope it provides some joy and relief for anyone who knew and loved grandad!
Finally, even though I was unfortunately unable to attend, I would like to thank those who participated in what I can only understand was a fitting, emotional and heartfelt send off ceremony to such a great man.

Iris Warner


So many happy memories of you, a good friend, to treasure. Iris

Nancy & Bill


Hi Den this is your motorcycle mechanic's mate we shall miss you but memories are forever xx 494

June And Monty sister in law


Dennis will be missed for all sorts but his mischievous sense of humour and love of all things different.June .

Tom Burgess


I was blessed to have shared many lovely memories with Dennis throughout my life. To me visiting Barb and Den’s as a kid was always synonymous with Christmas and there was reliably a sweet or two to accompany the festive celebrations. I remember trying to be sly one year and steal sausage rolls from the Breskal’s buffet before I should have whilst Chris and I played snooker. I thought I’d got away with it before eagle eyed Den announced to me exactly how many I’d taken... not much ever got passed him. As I grew older visiting became more strongly associated with watching a bit of sport accompanied by his very logical no nonsense observations: ‘well that was an awful shot what’s he trying to do there’ or words to that effect. I have a lovely vision of him being England’s test batting coach and not understanding why Cook and Stokes amongst other should ever get out because they should just hit the bloody ball! I’ll certainly miss his sharpness, wit and humour. Rest in peace, Dennis.

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

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