Doreen Ethel Charles

Doreen Ethel Charles

26.01.1931 - 14.09.2020

Doreen passed away at home on 14th September 2020 aged 89 years. She will be sadly missed by all her family and friends.

Neil Wade


Rest in peace.

Neil Wade xx



R.I.P My wonderful mum, my best friend. Many years of great fun and all the laughs and giggles we had where we could not speak from laughing. A tragic time for all of us when dad suddenly passed away too soon, too young. Thank you for all the things you have done for us. You have seen your grandchildren come into the world, attended their weddings and seen their children, your great grandchildren. You can rest in peace now. All your pain and troubles have now gone and you are now with dad again. Always in our memories and forever loved. xxxx

Sarah Embleton


Nanny Doreen

Today we laid you to rest but it’s not goodbye, it’s a ‘see you again’.
You will forever be in our memories & our hearts.
Lots of memories to cherish from playing in the caravan, with the giant teddy bear to bombing up and down the road on the wooden go kart granddad built.
I loved getting out all of your shoes and making a shoe shop in the lounge.
You would sit for hours letting me do your hair into funky hair styles.
We shared many many memories together.

We will remember you always & Tia will never forget you.

Rest peacefully now
Love you forever and always



Dear Nan

I’m so sorry I couldn’t be at your funeral today. You will hopefully know why and understand. I’m so very pleased I visited you before you passed, sad though this would turn out to be the last time.

I have lovely memories of my childhood at Yeomans Acre, spending hours playing in the long garden, and celebrating Christmas time with all the family round with plenty of laughs, food and drink. In later years when I began to learn to play the keyboard it was really great you came onboard and shared this experience with me, it was our thing together, and we supported and encouraged each other along.

Thank you for being my Nan. Please give granddad Ted a big hug and a kiss from me.

Love Liana xxx

Dean Phillips


I'm are going to miss you Nan. You have left us with lots of happy memories and these will live on in our hearts. I remember when Sarah and I used to stay, your boiled eggs for breakfast that were always runny and your homemade bread were the best. In the Summer you used to make homemade lemonade and I still drink this now, everytime I have some I think of you.
I loved running around your huge garden and climbing the trees, there was always something for us to do.
Driving the wooden trolley and riding the mobility scooter are just two of the many things we did. The purple bike you had with 3 gears did many miles around the block. I remember the day I past my driving test, you were the first person I went to see, I couldn't wait to drive down and see you.
Maisie and Oliver although young now, will always remember you. They loved you so much.
Lots of love and kisses
Dean, Chantelle, Maisie and Oliver. xxxx

Katharine Pyper


A lovely kind, gentle person. Fond memories of Aunty Doreen . Thinking of you all, Lynn and family, Alan and family. Cherish memories. Love and hugs Katharine, Brendon and family from New Zealand.

Samson Charles


A photo from one of many happy memories with you Nan. Love you, Samson.

Kylee Charles (Granddaughter)


"Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life that want you in theirs. The ones who would do anything to make you smile and love you no matter, or whoever what".
How lucky I am to have had a bond that makes saying goodbye so hard.

Dave Curl


Thank you for the 28 years we had together.
Dave x

Mary Charles


Thinking of you at this sad time Lynn, Alan and families.
Mary, Tony and family

Simon Wade & Family.


Deepest sympathies Lynn and Alan on the death of your Mum Doreen R.I.P.

Nadine White


Sincere condolences Lynn, Alan & families on the death of your dear mum. From Nadine, Kevin and Aaron White

Sandra Davies nee Covill


RIP Doreen. Good friend of mum and dad. xx

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

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