Eileen Pitman

Eileen Pitman

31.07.1950 - 20.12.2020

Eileen peacefully passed away on 21st December 2020 aged 70 years. She will be sadly missed by her devoted husband John and all her family and friends.

Rachel Tearall


Auntie Eileen,
Always caring and thoughtful.
You will be missed by many.

All our love,
Rachel, Luke, Olive and Felix xxxx



A kind, caring friend and colleague. We'll raise a glass to you Eileen at the next "Ladies who lunch"! Miss you. xxx



Eileen, Stansted Garden Show stallholders will see a sharp decline in income without your purchases.
I will miss our visits and gardening discoveries there. With love.

Dale Kyte


To a very much loved mum and wife. To a family of many sisters and brothers and nephews and nieces. Will be very much missed as my auntie... as you are at peace now after such a brave fight of cancer and illnesses,rest in peace now as an angel looking over us all .

Love always Dale, Steph and girls xx

Christine gash


You were an amazeing lady eileen so strong and never complained will really miss you in the garden pottering about we watched many people stop and admire your work always said you should have opened to the public love and miss you Chris and Alan xx

Becca, Arnie & Ethan


Aunty Eileen, you will be missed by so many.
I will always remember your reply one day in your kitchen when you were asked "What's cooking good-looking?" ....."Pork, dork!" We laughed for ages!
Such a kind-hearted, gentle, strong-willed lady. I will ensure Cliff Richard Pudding lives on, don't you worry!

Sheila Bridger


Goodbye to my lovely sister Eileen will miss our chats about everything and nothing back with mum and dad and Roy .



A memory comes to mind when Eileen, John, Colin and myself went to Stansted Garden Show. Deciding to have a sausage in a bun for lunch, there was nowhere to sit so we saw a patch of grass under a tree. We all plonked down, all people could see or hear was 4 pairs of legs and lots of giggles as when we looked at Colin his sausage in a bun was stuck to his jacket by the mustard.
Will miss our chats about plants Eileen.



Farewell Eileen, you are now reunited with Mum and Dad.
We look back and say thank you for so many happy memories and the joy that you brought into all our lives.

Michael Bradfield


My darling sister Eileen thinking of you and remembering all the funny and happy times spent together as children. We will be looking up at your bright star in the sky tonight. God bless Michael and Sharon xx

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

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