Emily Claire Howells

Emily Claire Howells

27.07.1989 - 30.07.2019

Emily, Born to her parents Elisabeth and Michael, wife to her husband Dave and mother to her to beautiful children Amelia and Arlo.
You will be sorely missed our princess, make sure you give them hell in your next destination. Love you always, sleep tight xxx

Elisabeth Hills


Goodbye to our beautiful, loving, brilliant, brave daughter. From the day you were born you've brought such joy and happiness to our lives. We miss you more than words can say. We will always love you. Mum and Dad xx

Malcolm and Caroline Guy


Emily - we met just briefly at the Spire while we were both waiting for scans. In just a short time you gave us inspiration, courage and hope; friendship, humour and strength. We can only imagine the huge void you have left and also at the same time the similar joy and inspiration you will have passed on to everyone you met. We prayed and hoped for you since that meeting - sadly the dice didn't fall the right way for you. Thank you for that brief but inspirational conversation. We will never forget. All our love always. Malc and Caroline

Hannah Popplewell


My wonderful Em,

I feel so lucky to have had you as a friend in my life. A friendship that started on a bench in the rec as teenagers to getting married and having babies. I have so many amazing memories with you that I'll always remember. You were taken from us too soon. I hope that we do you proud, Em!

I love and miss you constantly!

Jo Myatt


Emily - I can’t believe you’re gone. I feel so privileged to have known you and to have shared a small portion of the joy of motherhood with you. Meeting you on Hannah’s hen do when we were both pregnant staying on a boat was a weekend I’ll never forget! We were both able to pull the pregnancy card to leave a certain club a little earlier than the other hens and on the journey home it was great to chat about our plans for becoming mummies and discuss all things pregnancy related. It was great to find that you lived so close by and we went on to attend lots of antenatal classes together and finally the early parenting course once the babies arrived. Even though you had your own struggles with mummy hood like we all do, you amazed me at how resilient and strong you stayed through enduring so much. You were an inspiration Emily and at times when I think I’m struggling I can hear your voice telling me to keep going. I miss our texts about the current lack of sleep situation, how the kids are doing and which class to meet up at this week. Thank you for being such a supportive and reassuring friend at times I felt like I was getting it all wrong with parenting. I miss you so much and promise to look out for your amazing 3 musketeers who are doing you proud. Rest now lovely one xxx

Hannah and Tom Raiss


Emily, I remember first meeting you at Uni on a night out in Oceana! You were and always have been stunning, inside and out - the sort of take-your-breath-away beauty. When you talked you would pull people on with your humour, your intelligence, you truly saw people and enjoyed people. As we got older and began careers it’s your loyalty that really shone, you cared so deeply about your friends and family. Your wedding was a perfect day... and then I remember you visiting when you were pregnant with Millie - your devotion to her was evident before she was even born. Watching you parent, sharing your tips, patience and plans always inspired me. You gave your everything to your gorgeous babies and it’s clear you’ve together shaped them beautifully for life with your devotion, steadfast love and joy you poured over them. Thank you for being you, for being such a brave leader in so many ways, for sharing your life with us, for bringing the joy (and for that incredible giggle!), for inspiring us, challenging us and for your friendship. We will always miss you and do all we can to love on your 3 xxx

Emma Vivian


Dear Emily,

Having been friends with you for so long that I cannot remember the time when we weren’t, I hardly know where to begin. As your brave husband told me, you were a best friend to so many people, and I believe that truer words were never spoken. You were a fiercely loving and protective friend to me at so many vital times in my life. In the year after we both finished secondary school, I hadn't applied to University and had no idea what I was going to do next. You had just started studying at Brighton and were living in a tiny student room in Phoenix Halls. You wholeheartedly invited me to stay with you for months on end, despite the fact that you had zero space. I'm sure at times you must have had enough of me, but my goodness we had so much fun! By the end of that year we had a favourite club for every night of the week, and we were on first-name terms with several bouncers (ensuring we'd never have to queue in the cold!) When I moved to London, I wrote you a silly song about our friendship and I’ll forever be sad that I didn’t get a chance to play it for you again.

The laughter we shared together will be with me always.

All my love,



Emily, you were part of our little proactive care pharmacy team almost from the start. You brought your amazing intelligence and clinical knowledge, an insight that seemed way beyond your years, and of course a lot of laughs!

I think we all secretly wanted to be you, as you seemed to have it all!

The end was too quick, but I hope you have found some peace now. An inspiration in life, you will continue to motivate me to try and appreciate every moment.

Gone from our sight, but not forgotten in our hearts.



An inspiring beautiful young woman. I always loved hearing funny stories from Dave about you (especially when he bought your keyboard for Christmas). You seemed to me to be the perfect couple and with the addition of your beautiful children the perfect family. You handled life with a strength that certainly inspired me to live with a positive outlook and I am sure Dave and your little ones will do you proud ❤️

Suzi Hills


To my darling baby sister, the most loving, caring, sweet sister. I will love you forever and always, to the moon and back.

I will never forget how your smile lights up any darkened room. How your heart is a ray of sunshine to warm any heart and your spirit shines through in everything we do. Rest now my gorgeous girl. I love you so so much. You will be eternally missed and forever cherished.
Love you forever baby sister.

Jane West


Good night brave woman. Thank you for your grace, good humour and intelligence xxx



To an awe inspiring young lady who could teach the world a thing or two about how to face the hardest things in life face on, with a smile.

Becky Stables


My beautiful friend. I have so many memories of us growing up together. From eating ‘edible’ flowers from your garden at one of your birthdays as a child (really not too sure how edible they were though), to hanging out in your room listening to Placebo while we were going through our ‘rock’ days at secondary school - we definitely had some interesting fashion sense back then! The viaduct road days at uni and how I would always raid your wardrobe every time we had a night out, and the ‘‘morning mounts” at some stupid time in the morning to the lucky housemate that decided to have a sensible night in that night. Ordering half of dominos and all crawling into the same bed in the morning to support each other through our terrible hangovers whilst watching multiple episodes of family guy.
However, my favourite memory by far was how amazing you looked on your wedding day. I was so honoured to be one of your bridesmaid and stand by your side as you married your best friend, Dave.
You are truly an inspiration to me Em. A strong, smart, kind, funny, brave, wonderful woman. An amazing mother to Millie and Arlo and the most stunning wife to Dave. I love you dearly and will miss you so so much. Sleep well gorgeous girl xxx

Mike Ashby-Clarke


This picture is always how I’ll remember you Emily. Gorgeous smile, always full of energy... I’ll miss our passionate discussions. You have given this world two amazing babies and they will do you proud. Xxx

Sophie Ashby-Clarke


Words cannot describe how much I am going to miss you. I can see so much of you in both Millie & Arlo and it makes me smile when it feels impossible to do so.
My most precious memories were our holiday in Portugal and the weeks we spent together whilst Dave and Mike were at the links- basically you coaching me through parenthood!
You'll never be forgotten. I love you so very much and always xxxxxx



When you rocked up in your little white mini, we thought, "who's that young, gorgeous girl, surely she is the estate agent, not our new neighbour!?" How funny!! But we soon learnt that you were not only young, ambitious and clever but also kind hearted, caring and we shared a love of ginger tom cats. Good neighbours are important, and you were the best. We'll miss you always and will never forget you. The Girach Family xxx

Samantha Durant


Although we did not work in the same team, I will remember your determination and wonderful sense of humour when we had a fit of the giggles at a Christmas do.

Monika Trebski


Rest in Peace

Jessica Cartmer


I’ll never forget you. I will miss our chats while I do your lashes. You were a true gem and gone too soon. Sleep peacefully beautiful.
Love Jess xxxx

Kate Correia


Our beautiful sister in law Emily, you have left a huge hole in our hearts. We were sisters by marriage but friends by choice. We miss you so much and will continue to remember and love our beautiful, clever and perfect Em.
Love always Kate, Ben, Evie and Morgan x



Beautiful memories of a little girl coming home from school to see what cakes I had brought with me and of the "hat cake" I made for her birthday.
All our love,
Joy & Brian
xx xx

Denise Staley


Emily gone from our sight, but never from our hearts - with love Graham & Denise Staley xx



My beautiful baby sister. We will so miss you.

Helen Rand


Emily, our team will not be the same without you, we will miss your lovely sparkle. Sending all my love, Helen xxxxxx

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