Eric Oxborough

Eric Oxborough

28.10.1945 - 13.01.2025

Eric sadly passed away on 13th January 2025, aged 79 years. Beloved husband of Tina.  Sadly missed by all his family and friends.

Karen Bridgeman-Hills


Eric, such a sad day when we heard of your passing. I met you and Tina probably about 15 years ago when I was working as a courier. Every time I knocked on your door you would answer, take the parcel from me promptly throw it over your shoulder saying 'what she ordered now' I loved my job as a courier and enjoyed the visits to Millfarm - never a dull moment in Barley Close! You were very kind helping me and John on our first trip out with our caravan, on our arrival the first thing you done was hand John a can of Fosters. Of course you did. Ha!
You always had time for a chat whenever I bumped in to you and Tina, either in town or in the supermarket, you always asked after the family, it was always nice to see you both.
The last time I saw you was a few months before Christmas and you told me you were poorly. I'm glad I saw you though. Take care up there Eric, no-one knows better than you - it's 12 o'clock somewhere! Cheers. Forever in our hearts. RIP.
Karen, John & Oliver Bridgeman-Hills



I have lots of memories of you over the years Eric, mostly involving  probably one of the funniest (or maybe worst for me! )  is vividly remembering you and Garry, having to practically carry me from Fishery Creek to St Herman's estate, after I had endulged in a few/ OK many Vodkas! No sympathy shown, when I stumbled a few times. Lots of swearing by you tho, telling me to get up.(To put it politely) Lol. But You both saw me home safely. You were and still are a true Gent Eric. . My favourite..Gone but never forgotten..  Fly high. Much love Denise.xx

Julia Gray


Nowt big seems important during times like this yi kna what it is? It's the little daft things yi miss
Step oot the big picture and smaller things hit hyem, yi never kna
what ya have till its there nee more, but ya memories never fade away.
So raise ya glass and say a big cheers to a mint fella, he'll never fade away.
Sending love the geordies xx

Elaine Craig


Uncle Eric you were always funny,full of life and energetic, especially for a party. People never had a dull moment when around you. Hope you're at peace now, well at least till you get the party started again.
Love Elaine and family xx

Maureen Morrow


My thoughts are with you all today. You will miss him dearly but time will slowly heal. Thinking of those precious times together and happy moments. I will miss him xx
Sending you lots of love Maureen ❤️



You will be missed by so many, a truly wonderful funny and special man, sending our love to your wonderful family love Louise, Harrison, Ella and Chloe xx

kenneth price


Please can you send me me a link of the service please. [email protected]. I am afraid I can't get there, but I will be there in spirit.



To my second Grandad, you were always there with the biggest smile on your face which was very contagious. My heart goes out to Tina.
You will always be a big part of everyone’s lives.
You will never be forgotten
Love you always Eric

Kelly xxx

Karen Parle


Such a friendly man, always made you laugh when you saw him. RIP, Eric. x

Val Gardener


Dear Eric, it has been many years since we have seen both you and Tina, but l have watched over the years through Facebook Book the many adventures that you have posted with your family and friends. What a great bunch you all are and has been lovely to feel part of that. Chris used to say that l had more to do with his naval buddies than he did, so l thank you and Tina for allowing me to be a part of your lives in this small way. Bless you

Jacqui Francis


It was good to spend time with Eric on our recent visit to the UK.
Eric was a straight shooter and always said it how it was…. Honest and true and that’s why we liked him so much.
You will be missed Mate. Rest in peace.
With our love
Jacqui and Ernie

Susan Massey


Cliff and I have lots of fond memories of Eric and Tina, like our trip away with them to Newcastle along with Sam, Gary and the girls. Also our weekend golf trips away and lots of happy times at Graylingwell social club.
One memory that sticks in our mind was on a weekend trip to the Isle of Wight when we’d gone out one evening for an Indian meal. Eric decided to order the hottest curry on the menu. Tina said to him what are you playing at you won’t be able to eat that, I’ll be fine Eric said. Needless to say we didn’t see him the next day!!!
To sun Eric up we’d say a loveable, cheeky chap who cared about Tina and his family more than anything. He will be dearly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. I can’t imagine how Tina is coping without him by her side. Thankfully she has Sam, Gary and the girls to support her.
Goodnight Eric rest in peace

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

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