George Albert 'Gerry' Thompson

George Albert 'Gerry' Thompson

22.11.1941 - 04.11.2018

Gerry sadly passed away peacefully on Sunday 4th November 2018, aged 76.
Forever in our hearts and never to be forgotten.
May he rest in peace.

Susanne Smith nee Thompson


Over the past years our family has scattered to many countries around the world. This being so has never been the case of "out of sight, out of mind" for me. Gerry, you have always been there in my thoughts and always will be. Your suffering has ended and now you can rest in peace with the rest of your family long gone before you. My love goes with you.
My blessing and condolences go out to Marg and all his family.
Sue, Steve, and Stephen

Lance Gingell


You will be missed. Rest In Peace, Gerry.
With love,
Lance & Jean

Cheryl Meek


Gerry, rest now, you have been so brave and you deserve some peace.

We will miss you so much.

Cheryl and Gavin

Peter Thompson


Gerry was my older brother and although our paths haven’t crossed so much over more recent years, I have often thought of him and I am very sad that he has passed away. Our thoughts and condolences are with his loved ones.
Be at peace.
Peter, Ann and family

Rita Reeves


In Loving memory of my brother Gerry.
Rita and Family in New Zealand.

Gerry, although distance has always been part of life, you have always been in my heart and my thoughts. Over the years I have fond memories of those early days. Particularly your passion for motorbikes and the Harley Davidson “the king of bikes” that I remember gave you such joy.

I am so pleased that we visited you not so long ago and we enjoyed sharing time together. You will always be with me Gerry.
Dear brother rest in peace.

With love from Rita, Richard and family.

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

Our memorial pages are simple to setup and will be free forever

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