Gilbert Newman

Gilbert Newman

02.12.1939 - 17.05.2020

Gil formerly of Carlisle , peacefully in his 80th year, on Sunday 17th May following a long illness bravely borne.  Much loved husband, dad and granddad.  Life long Carlisle United supporter.  Greatly loved and sadly missed.



Sad to see this, Gil. Looks to have been a life well lived, which is what you deserved. Lots of memories - the Jowett Javelin, the day Carlisle went up and Man U went down, at lovely Millwall. Rest easy, my dear.

Alistair Newman


Dear Dad,

I love you with all my heart and so sad you had to leave but now you can rest, you played your finest game to the whistle and took it into extra time.

You taught me well as a father but were also my friend, showing me love and giving me laughter. You weren't just Carlisle United's biggest supporter, you were mine.

I will miss you but you live on forever in my heart and memories.

Today it feels like we lost the match but because of you we still won the league.

"Howay the lads!"

All my love
Ali xxxx



Gil I only had the pleasure to get to know you for a short time, you were a wonderful and kind man that will be sadly missed by all that knew you. I will always remember your kind smile, thank you for welcoming me in to your family and I promise to always care for Alistar. I hope you are now at peace, lots of love
Tammy & Lorraine

Leanne and David Essery


He is not lost our dearest love,
Nor has he travelled far,
Just stepped inside home's loveliest room
And left the door ajar

Leanne and David Essery


Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free!
I follow the plan God laid for me.
I saw His face, I heard His call,
I took His hand and left it all…

I could not stay another day,
To love, to laugh, to work or play;
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
And if my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.

A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss…
Ah yes, these things I, too, shall miss.
My life’s been full, I’ve savoured much:
Good times, good friends, a loved-one’s touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all too brief –
Don’t shorten yours with undue grief.
Be not burdened with tears of sorrow,
Enjoy the sunshine of the morrow.

Leanne and David Essery


Dear Gil, you will always be remembered and always loved. We will never forget your love, laughter, kindness and generosity. But most importantly, we will always remember duct taping my car back together and how much laughter you brought to us all. Thank you for being a part of our lives, shining so brightly. We have been very blessed to call you family.

Karen Jones


For Gil
Those we love don’t go away
They walk beside us every day
Unseen, unheard, but always near
Still loved, still missed and very dear.

Karen Jones


For Gil, sadly missed and always remembered.
Do all the good you can
By all the means you can
In all the ways you can
To all the people you can
As long as ever you can.

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

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