Hilary Susan Bailey 'Sue'

Hilary Susan Bailey 'Sue'

23.03.1942 - 20.04.2019

Sue sadly passed away on 20th April 2019 whilst enjoying a holiday in Egypt with her family.  She will be sadly missed and forever loved by her sons Harvey and Tyrrel and all her family and friends.

Margaret Burchett


In loving memory of my very close friend Sue. She was such a caring friend and one with whom I shared a personal trust. I miss her very much indeed.
My donation includes a generous amount from our Tai Chi teacher, Jan.



I will miss our lovely chats about our dogs, rehoming dogs, putting the world to rights and general chit chat. Sometimes we stand there for about an hour, dogs looking fed up. Will miss you so much but I’m sure you’re looking down on us all laughing at the antics of all the dogs xxxxxxx



In the most loving memory of my dear and close friend Sue. She was always there for others and I felt privileged to be counted as one of her friends. As a friend she was totally loyal, and so,so trustworthy making her a friend with whom confidences could be shared if need be. I miss her so much and tears run down as I write this. Rest in peace my dear friend Sue. Love Maggie xx
I must add that 'my' donation also includes a generous amount from our Tai Chi Teacher Jan. He misses Sue in his weekly Tuesday class, as do all the other members.

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

Our memorial pages are simple to setup and will be free forever

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