Janette Diana Stone

Janette Diana Stone

07.12.1941 - 22.02.2023

Janette sadly passed away on 22nd February 2023 aged 81 years. She will be greatly missed by all her family and friends.

Margaret Booker


Dearest Jan such a lovely funny person I’ve known you for many years was always so kind to my family always be loved and remembered happpy memories of Malta RIP love Maggie Booker Xx❤️

maria (marsden) lejeune


will miss you so much auntie jan !, special inside and out ,now with uncle bob xx nana and grandpop , love you ! Mia , Dave, Sammy & Jon



Dear Jan what a lifetime of memories we had together the good, the happy ,the sad ,your many battles with cancer treatments you had to cope with never Complaining just getting on with your life you were my inspiration Im going to miss you not being in my life but you are always going to be in my heart God Bless Love you Janet RIP Joanie XX

Colleen Rayner


Dearest Auntie Jan. you really were one in a million a feisty funny woman who also had a beautiful caring side who could cry so easily at some thing sad. You worked so hard the whole of your life and loved going off to Malta with Uncle Bob. It’s very hard not seeing you both because you were always there from when I was a kid and you both watched my kids grow up. Now you are at peace with your beloved Bobby. Love you always and never forgotten love Collywobbles and family xxx

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