Jo Turner

Jo Turner

16.06.1955 - 29.04.2023

Jo passed away on 29th April 2023 aged 67 years. She will be sadly missed by all her family and friends.

Ben Maxfield


Loving, Loyal, Protective and Fun, with a passion for music and movies. Mum broke the mould.

On some days she asked if I’d like to go to school. Or if I wanted to stay home and watch movies. Such was our closeness, we just enjoyed being together.
And as I adjusted to school. Mum would be there sat on the bench outside Edward Bryant keeping me company and feeding me polos at break time.

Her record collection and love of music was the catalyst for my own life long passion. Something we often enjoyed together. Mum coming to watch me DJ was a highlight for both of us. She loved a party and she loved to dance. And just like music, movies, especially of the horror variety we’re always playing in our house. The Exorcist being a particular favourite.

Sometimes we were downright silly and would laugh and joke, often at others expense. We’d come up with stuff that still had us laughing years later. The term Biscuit kids is something that’s been passed down through the generations.

Mum was very affectionate. She was always pulling me in for a kiss or cuddle, calling me emerald eyes, she particularly enjoyed biting my ears when they were cold. This was of course when I wasn’t sat on the doorstep waiting for the sunshine bus to collect me when I’d been naughty. Which sadly was quite often.
Her love and care stood me in good stead when my own girls were born. And I hold them close every day just like mum did with me back then. She showed me how a parent loves their kids.

Mum would often say she’d taught me too well as she honed my razor sharp tongue and volatile nature.
And of course it led to moments when we didn’t always see eye to eye. Many times in life, things didn’t always work out as we’d hoped. But my love for mum was unwavering throughout. A love that will last forever.

Go be happy mum, I know I’ll see you again one day and until then love and guide us from above.

All my love - Benj

Ruby turner


My beautiful nan. How I miss you so much, you always made me feel safe with you and always protected me an promised me no matter what you would love me forever, and you never broke that promise, there’s never been a time where I haven’t felt loved by you, I will miss our girly chats an telling dad to have a sense of humour about something that really wasn’t funny it was just some stupid inside joke. I will cherish those memories of us forever I keep thinking your going to message me something random about some Tv program you want me to watch with you but I hope your out of pain an in peace now like you deserved you can be with the rest of the family now. This isn’t goodbye forever this is just goodbye for now, I love you nan<3



Jo was always my number 1 supporter through the fence with ruby, I remember her always getting annoyed with us making mud pies through the fence and making loads of mess. She honestly used to brighten my day so much! Sleep tight angel



Jo Jo may you finally be at peace within your life’s journey. I always remember the amount of time I spent with you and Adz and the laughs we had and cries. Your photo collage of us all, always there on the wall where ever you went taking us all with you, no matter what. The secret trips in the boot out to madehurst. The late night toast, you spooned out peanut butter and Adz with his scary films.
I hope you’re with Nan, Grandad and Robbie now and feel whole again. We’ll all always be a part of each other. Rest in peace til we all meet again ♥️



Rest in Peace Jo I only met you a couple times on my life but those times will always stick with me rest now Robbie needs you ❤️

Beth Quinn


I never got the chance to meet you, but your memory will live on, me and my partner will do our very best to support Adam, sleep tight now jo love Beth xx

Georgina Connolly


I remember working with you at rainbows end and going to see Eminem and the birthday party you held for me at your house I will always be grateful for the times we had together and you will always have a place in my heart it's not good by its see you soon x



Joanne Turner, the most loving human anyone could meet. The best mother in law and nanny JoJo. Forever in our hearts and never forgotten. Me and Ava will miss you so so much, you may rest in peace now, be with that gorgeous son of yours and the rest of your family. ❤️❤️❤️

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

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