June Elizabeth Ceresa

June Elizabeth Ceresa

13.06.1927 - 22.01.2021

June passed away peacefully on 22nd January 2021 aged 93 years. She will be sadly missed by all her family and friends.

Imogen Balfour


She had such a joie de vivre about her- as a child from next door, I just loved being in her company.....

Mary Muncey nee Balfour


June and Ray were our neighbours in Histon when we were growing up. Their hospitality was so warm and June was especially kind to me when I took what was a big step for me and was confirmed into the church. I still have the book she gave me and remember with gratitude her encouragement. I hope the wonderful memories you have will comfort you at this sad time. May she rest in peace.

Janet & Jennifer


Janet and Jennifer (the twins)

We will always remember Auntie June who was loved by us from very early days.
She was a great inspiration to us,especially during those times.
She spent many hours reading to us and telling the most amazing and exciting stories.
This friendship and admiration towards her remained with us all her life.

We have many happy memories spent with June and Ray in Felpham often at our
Beach Hut before having lunch at the “Beach Cafe.
We were sometimes joined by Dianne, Andrew and Penny which made it a very happy
time for us all.
We will miss June very much,,may she rest with in peace with Ray together with our parents Evelyn and Frank ( June’s brother )

Gary Dyhouse


We had the great good fortune to meet June and Penny on an Alaskan cruise in 2001, when we were seated at the same table for dinner. The four of us hit if off immediately and spent much time together for the week-long cruise. We exchanged email addresses and stayed in touch. We went to England twice and both times visited June and Ray at their home for a delightful time. The second time, when we stayed overnight, they made us take their bedroom on the second floor while they stayed in the guest bedroom. They were always so selfless and helpful. June came to our home in St. Louis twice and we took her sight-seeing around the area. We got a chuckle seeing her scramble down the bank to touch the water of the Mississippi River.
We took her to the Gateway Arch and had to wait in line for our turn to go to the top that was nearly 200 meters above us. When the line moved forward, we got stopped right at the brink of two flights of stairs down to the capsules for the ride to the top. We were quite concerned about an elderly lady being pushed down the stairs by the crowd behind us and we told her to take it slow and not worry about the people behind us, just let them pass on by. When the time came to move forward, she zipped down the stairs much faster that we did. We greatly enjoyed listening to her wonderful English accent as she told us stories about when they lived in Morocco and Russia and her experiences of living through World War II and being strafed by Germans fighters.
We took her to Mass at our parish and she wanted to bring the cup and host to the altar and receive Holy Communion when the time came. Although you are supposed to be Roman Catholic to do this, our parish priest said of course she could. She was most proud of doing this, feeling it was a highlights of her visit.
We continued to exchange emails and letters and always looked forward to her Christmas letters. She wrote long and encouraging letters to us, sharing our trials and tribulations. She was a surrogate mother to both of us and we greatly miss her. When she left St. Louis the last time, we all had tears in our eyes, knowing we would not be seeing each other again. We are most happy that we got to meet June and Ray and will remember both of them in our prayers.

Gary and Diane Dyhouse
St. Louis, Missouri, USA



In memory and tribute to June Ceresa , a formidable and lovable character. Love and strength to her family, especially Dianne , Andrew and Penny, love Tieds

John Ceresa


June was the hostess with the mostest! She just loved a party and one of my most enduring memories is of her arrival at Philip’s Wedding dressed to kill and wearing the most colourful top-hat.

That she loved parties really meant that she loved people no matter their age, background or ethnicity … she treated everyone as if they were her brothers and sisters … and it was this quality that made her so endearing.

She was a true Christian.

All my Love, John

Mary Barber


I sent a message this a.m but it is not showing through. I am sending it again.I said how full of joy our meetings with our dear friend,June always were. I mentioned one joyful occasion when we were staying in a caravan near June in Gorseley..We had our beautiful half siamese grey cat,Vanessa with us. She had a cat harness and a long extendable lead We treated her like a dog. June told us about a beautiful woodland walk It was surrounded with wild daffodils As we walked Vanessa suddenly shot up a very tall pine tree The lead was just long enough.A scottie dog sat beneath the tree and refused to budge. Its owners were puzzled why he wouldn`t move as they couldn`t see Vanessa

Ben DeJarnette


Thanks, Granny, for chasing us up hills and around castles and into so many cherished memories. Your legacy will carry on in the sprit and joy that you helped instill in all of us.

Emma Mazzei


I will always remember my sweet Granny’s adventurous spirit. I was so lucky to have such a loving, compassionate, and fun Grandmother. I think of all the wonderful memories we have shared over the years. I loved how she could make friends wherever she went and couldn’t resist dancing along whenever music was. I will miss her dearly, but I treasure all the time we had. I love you always Granny!

Christopher Barber


Dear Lord, thank you for June. She had enough joie de vivre to spare for the rest of us. May she and Ray rest in peace.

Imogen Balfour


I remember our next door neighbour, Mrs Ceresa, most fondly. She was warm, hospitable, kind, creative and enormous fun to be around, always singing, always positive, a very attractive lady.....God bless her soul .....and my sympathy to all of you.
Love Imogen

Asea & Bob Renning


When I think of June, I remember her contagious and kind smile, playing Mahjong with her and Ray in California and June's annual Christmas Letters! Each of her Letters was filled with the previous year's adventures, which in June's vivid recollection, came to life on the many pages they were written on. I count myself blessed to have had the pleasure of knowing her and seeing the world through her eyes - at least while reading her letters.

Bob and I send our deepest and most sincere sympathies to the family. Please know that we are with you in spirit and hold you tight in our hearts.

Anna Hume


In loving memory of my Mutie. Her passionate nature will always remain a part of me. She was a wonderful grandmother, full of energy and joy and love. I feel very lucky to have had so many happy times together with her.

Gill Butler


I was very fortunate to know both June and Ray. They welcomed me into their family with love and generosity of spirit. My abiding memory of June is an afternoon we spent together not that long ago in Clissold Park. June high kicked her way around the cafe much to the delight of the other tables. I don't think her am-dram ambitions ever left her.
June (and Ray) lived their faith. June was always involved in some project or the other to address matters of poverty /inequality at home and abroad. June made a real difference to the world. She will be greatly missed.

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