Les Garrett QPM OStJ

Les Garrett QPM OStJ

27.10.1926 - 31.05.2016

Les was a devoted husband, proud father, much loved grandfather and great grandfather, loyal friend, and comrade to many.

He played an active part in the part in the Felpham Home Guard, Royal Marines, Metropolitan Police, St. John’s Ambulance Brigade, and Felpham community.

Please share your memories of Les through the messages section of the site.

Sara Lefeuvre


My colleague James Devine invited Les to speak to the students at our school (St George Catholic College, Southampton) about his experiences in WWII, some 5-6 years ago now. He made such an impact that day with everyone here. Both James and I instantly hit it off with him, not just because of his worldly experiences and the stories he told, but mainly because he was one of the loveliest, most positive people we had ever met. We were lucky therefore that Les became a true friend to us both. He was a real gentleman, and I will miss not seeing him at his Christmas do's at the naval museum in Portsmouth, and corresponding by letter as we did over the years. The world is indeed a sadder place without him, and I learnt a lot about how to live life from his positive, upbeat attitude. He was a hero and an inspiration to us all. My thoughts are with his family and friends.

Gillian Spragg


Les, his wife and my parents lived in flats close together in a house Hammersmith. This became the home that their first children, including me, were brought up in. With his passing, Les is the last person who has known me all my life.
There have been gaps over the years, but after my mother died we had been looking over photographs from the past. He was thrilled to find a photo us of from these early days in Hammersmith which he had not seen before. By a lucky chance, there were two identical copies. We each kept one.
He was a dear friend and a man of integrity and compassion.

Henry Mullings


Les was a man whom I have always held in the highest regard both professionally and personally since having had the privilege of meeting and knowing him since 1959

James Devine


On behalf of St George School and me personally, I wish to offer my sincere condolences. We were devastated to hear that our dear friend Les has passed away. He was a true inspiration to everyone he ever met and especially to the children of Southampton and Chichester alike, who will never forget him. Les selflessly gave up his free time to share his amazing personal experiences of the war. His optimism, joy and enthusiasm for life was always uplifting. He was selfless and caring and never failed to bring a smile to my face. I will always remember his humour, positivity and fear the world is a poorer place with his passing. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
Yours truly, James.

David Edwards


Les was a truly wonderful man, an inspiration to all who knew him. As the Chairman of Felpham Parish Council I had the privilege to present Les with The Chairman's Award in 2015. He was a true gentleman, and a legend to those of us who served. RIP Les

Kate Dean


Super memories of a lovely man who I had the honour of knowing for many years. St John Ambulance, and Bognor Regis Cadets in particular, couldn't have asked for a better President and ambassador. We will miss Leslie greatly and never forget his amazing support and friendship.

Steve Garrett


Order of St. John

Steve Garrett


Second World War memories and accepting recognition on behalf of his comrades






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