Maria Wasley

Maria Wasley

21.03.1942 - 15.11.2020

Maria Wasley (nee Maria Annettas) born to Michael and Kalliope sadly passed away at the age of 78 on the 15th November 2020 after a short illness. Maria will be missed by her family and friends and leaves behind her two sons Michael and Andrew and her sister Melanie.
Αναπαύσου εν ειρήνη



Happy Birthday Mum. Missed you loads today. All our love Andrew Joe Madge and Pippa xxx

Jeff North


Rest In Peace Maria.

Jeff XX



Like kate I have some wonderful memories of Aunty Maria, as she will always be to us. Such a warm and sincere lady and someone you always felt at ease with. She was always there to give you wisdom and make you feel part if her extended family. I shall miss her greatly. Rest in peace dear, Aunt Maria.



In loving memory of our dear cousin Maria, who will be greatly missed.
Maria & family

Rebecca Hague (Howlett)


Dearest Aunty Maria,
I loved spending time with you and will miss you very much. You brought joy, happiness and laughter to all who met you. With love and happy memories. Rebecca xx

Angelina and Peter Fabrizio and family


Dear Andrew Joe Michael Mel and families
Our deepest condolences to you all.
Thoughts and prayers
RIP Maria fly high my dear gone but never forgotten ❤️❤️

Margaret Howlett


Maria darling I will miss you and your infectious giggle so much . Love you always Margie



We had fun, we shared laughter, and we made good memories that will live on. God Bless you Maria, rest peacefully.
Madeleine (Isle of Man) x



Rest in peace Aunty Maria, I have some lovely memories of holidays together as a child, and being obsessed with the squirrel in your back garden! Such a wonderful friendship between you and my mum, and I know she will miss you a lot, as will we all. Love to all the family from Kate xxx

Sue Lanz


Sue Lanz
Rest in peace. Our Wednesday evening meals won't be the same without you
Will miss your lovely happy smile
Love Sue xxx

Max Careless


Aunty Maria
Rest in peace.We will miss you. I am sorry I didn't get to say goodbye. You are in our thoughts. It makes me happy to think that you will be with your dad. Until next time.
Lots of love
Καλό ταξίδι. Χχχ

Andrew Wasley


Love you Mum x

Caroline North


Maria, my friend of over 46 years. We shared many sorrows and much laughter. I will miss her very much and she will remain forever in my heart and that of my family. Caroline (Isle of Man) X

Melanie Careless


Life won't be the same without you.
Much love, Melanie x

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

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