Mark John Croucher

Mark John Croucher

24.03.1963 - 31.07.2020

Mark sadly passed away on 31st July, aged 57 years. Beloved husband of Bridget, much loved dad of Darci and Riley, loving son of Brian and Joyce and brother of Adrian. Sadly missed by all his family and friends. Rest In Peace.

Paul English


RIP Mark,
Always in my thoughts. Learnt so much from you.
Too be humble & love ❤️

Cynthia White


Mark- you will always be remembered as a lovely, kind and genuine person.
Always hard working with a great sense of humour!

You were taken too soon.
Graham & Cynthia.

John Berry


Hello Marks family, so sorry for your loss. I meet Mark and Monique in Crystal River, FL in the early 90s we worked at a pub called Seaweed Sams. We became really good friends and ended up sharing a flat. Anyway my wifes family is from London and we are planning to go over soon. What is strange is that today I was thinking to contact Mark and somthing told me to do it today then I found out he passed one year ago today. Well so much for that plan. I have one favor if anyone knows how to get in touch with Monique I would appreciate it. Again sorry for your loss. John Berry



Dearest Mark,
We thank you for the beautiful memories you have left in our loving hearts.
Joan and Mick Greenfield

David & Rachel Moore


Dear Bridget, Darci, Riley and all Mark's family
Our deepest condolences and thinking of you all so much.
With lots of love Dave, Rachel, Sophie, Ash, Pat & Lucila xx xx

Livie. C


Mark, some of my dearest memories are of family holidays with you, horse riding for grandads 70th and staying in the new forest for his 80th. Sliding down the mud maps and riding in the back of your land rover! Even though we didn't see eachother much I always knew you would make time for us if we ever needed you and for that I am forever grateful.
You have raised two strong and amazing children and married the loveliest and most supportive lady.
I am honoured to be able to call you my Uncle. To Bridget Darci and Riley you are in all the Guildford Crouchers thoughts. Xxx



Dear Bridget, Darci and Riley we are just so sad and sorry for your loss. Mark will be shining bright in heaven with your dad and he will always be in your hearts and the hearts of all who knew and loved him. All our love Cath, Jan and family xxx

Claire & Jimmy


Mark how lucky and privileged we were to have shared some of your life, so many lovely happy memories.
You will always be remembered for your great sense of humour, , smile and you wonderful Zest for life..
You will truly be missed, but not forgotten....

Gill and Michael Sullivan


Dearest Mark, we are so sad, but know you would want us to smile in rememberence of a great friendship and a life of immeasurable contribution through your wonderful personality and not too shabby thatching skills. Both Gill and I will always think of your infectious laugh. To Bridget, Darci and Riley, Mark's Mum and Dad and all your family and friends we send our love and deepest condolences.
Rest in peace Mark.
Michael, Gill, Ellie and Chloe xxxxx

Carol Berry


Dear Bridget, Darci and Riley .
My deepest condolences. I'm praying and thinking of you all .

Kevin Bedford


May the road rise up to meet you.
May the the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Condolences at your loss, Kevin and Duane Bedford

Gabriella Male


Mark- I may not remember much about who you were as a person, as a dad, or as a husband... but I know who you were as a friend to my father simply by the impact you had on him. It’s not easy to get through to that man and be on his friends list, but he idolized you. Thank you for being an incredible role model to him. Although life went on, and the communication faded, the impact and impression you made on my father is everlasting. Rest In Peace, and I hope one day my dad gets to be reunited with you.

- Gabriella Male (Puffs)

Nikkii Baker


Dearest Bridget, Darci and Riley,

My heart is full of love for you always. I am at a loss for words, and for that I apologise. Know that my thoughts are with you.

Nikkii xxoxx

The Newcombes


A porn star martini will not be the same without Mark, your cocktail skills were second to non - we will miss you so much, our memories will be cherished forever ❤️❤️

Simon Weston


Bridget our thoughts and prayers to you all - love from Simon, Josh, Charlie and Harry Xxx

alan rees


We will all miss you so much Mark, thank you for all your help, and kindness. Rest in Alan and Jill

Jacqueline French


Heartfelt condolences
Love & prayers
Jackie xxx

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