Minnie Doris Calcutt

Minnie Doris Calcutt

12.12.1923 - 27.07.2020

Minnie passed away peacefully on 27th July 2020 aged 96 years. Widow of the late Walter. She will be sadly missed by all her family and friends.



Nanny we miss and think about you every day. I was so lucky to have you as my Nan and in the last few years you showed me a nan I had not seen before. You gave me a wonderful insight into your early years that I never knew about and will know look back and cherish. Including your passion for music. I am so glad Richard and I were able to spend some of Christmas Day with you last year. I will also never forget our trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace for your 90th birthday. Such happy memories. Love you nanny Caroline and Richard xx

Phil Hanson


Dear Aunty Doris,

We write this message with tears in our eyes,
And with much sadness we have to say goodbye.
Your smile lives on in the hearts of us both,
You will be forever remembered especially at Christmas time.

Rest in peace

With love, Phil and Laura xxxx

Paula Andrews


Dear Auntie Doris. Memories of leaving my bike at your house on my way to school and your ever smiling face greeting me "good morning" will always fill my heart.

Rest in peace now with your beloved Wally and know that although our paths did not often meet, you were loved.

We shall miss your card being the first through the door at Christmas time. Thinking of you and always in our hearts.
Love Paula, Steve & family xxx

Karen Mitchell


My wonderful nan who treated us all so kindly and loving. Glad you're at peace grandad now. You will be terribly missed and always loved. Lots of love Karen xxxxx

Melanie Cook


My gorgeous nanny. The kindest women ever. You looked after us in holiday school times and took us out in grandads Morris minor to Swan Dean Lake to feed the swans and ducks. We went for lots of lovely walks and played crazy golf together. I loved your big garden in bognor with the apple tree and you always bought us shoes and sweets! Xmas was never a Xmas without your family Xmas days with stockings and presents for us all followed by a visit to aunty vi's on boxing day. These are my child hood memories of you and I treasure them with all my heart. I loved you coming to stay with me each month for your weekend breaks from the flat and it was my turn to take you out and look after you. I'm so glad you were my nan as nobody else would ever have come close to how perfect a nan you were. I will always love you and miss you. Forever in my heart. Melanie xxxx

Jean Smith ( Calcutt )


To my beautiful Mother!
I will always love you like you always loved me!
Not one day will go by without
Melanie, Colin, Nathan and Amber and myself ever feeling your love!
Have a good rest
You were a tough old bird

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

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