Mr Edward William ‘Ted’ Cope

Mr Edward William ‘Ted’ Cope

20.08.1935 - 29.12.2020

Edward William Cope, known as Ted, and to his family as Dub, was born on 20 August 1935 to Violet Melanie Cope and Edward Ernest Cope. He is survived by his sisters Joan and Linda, and their children, Karen, Lee and Margaret.
Ted did not marry or have children and was a lifelong bachelor.
He lived in Harrow, Middlesex, in the family home until August 2020 when his increasing frailty led to a series of falls and hospital admission. Ted was discharged from hospital to residential care near his family in West Sussex, where he was living at the time of his passing on 29 December 2020.
He served with the Royal Signals during his National Service and had a lifelong career in the Post Office, working his way up from Telegram Boy to Counter Manager.
He was a man of numerous interests and shared these with a good many friends and his family, creating lasting and treasured childhood memories for his nieces and nephew.
His wicked sense of humour and slightly obstinate nature were known to many, and he was and always will be loved and held in great affection.

Karen Livesley


Dad is with you now Dub. Do look after each other ❤️

Patricia Collins


Dear Ted

Thank you for all the laughs over the years. Your mate Ken is now with you, no doubt the two of you are catching up and having a right old time.

Love Patricia

Richard Butler


Ted was a well loved member of the Great Central Railway Society London Group and many of its members new him very well. He always came to their slide show meetings and day outings. We remember his dry sense of humor and the strict "tie and jacket" code he maintained.



Missing my "Teddy boy" so much today
Just needed a little reminder of his smiling face.
Thank you for the photos and memories xxx

Margaret Sayer


Remembering those who are lost to our family’s. RIP.

The Abu Family


Deeply saddened about the news of Ted passing away. He was, for 30 years, our next door neighbour. Rest in peace, Ted. We will always remember your thoughtful, kind and gentle soul. May your family find comfort and healing.

Simon Grigor


Ted was my 'two doors away' neighbour for 63 years., and a great friend.
He shared my father's love of motorcycle racing and when Herbert, my dad, retired in the mid 197os, the two of them went to the Isle of Man to enjoy the TT races together. They also went to various motorcycle races at circuits in the south of England. I accompanied them on some of these trips.
Ted was a great car mechanic and kept a Triumph Herald in excellent working order long after the model was hardly ever seen on the roads. When, in the mid-1970s, I got my first car, a second-hand Ford Escort, Ted was a huge help in fixing things on it when they went wrong.
Ted loved his garden: his front garden and the first bit of the back garden both had lawns that were immaculately maintained, while further down the back garden Ted grew vegetables. He also had a plum tree which would produce a splendid haul of plums most years.
In his latter years here Ted would often be seen going up the road to do some shopping, and he was always very smartly dressed when he did so, with collar and tie.
I was very sorry to see the deterioration in Ted's mental health over the last year and the fall in August was a blessing as it got the relevant authorities to recognise that he couldn't really cope (pun intended) on his own at home anymore. It was rather nice that his final months were spent in Sussex, as he had huge love for all of his family members who live there.
RIP Ted.

Simon Grigor


In memory of a very dear neighbour and good friend to me for more than 60 years. RIP Ted.

Margaret Sayer


Sadly lost Brother and Uncle. Now at rest. From Margaret and Linda Sayer.

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