Mr  Henry Hughes

Mr Henry Hughes

15.01.1948 - 08.11.2022

A much loved Husband and Dad passed away due to terminal cancer. Just like he dealt with all experiences in life, Henry Hughes managed his illness with strength and grace, and wanted to spend as much time with his loved ones as possible. During his final weeks/days, he was surrounded by his family whom he adored more than anything else in the world.



Hi Dad,

Well it’s been over a year and I’m so so sorry. What an absolute nightmare it’s been too, apart from missing you each day it’s been hard.

So… first the boiler went and we had no heating I December haha (typical) anyway that got sorted week of Christmas (just in time) then later on in the new year the hot water tank went so that was more issues to deal with, then we had 2 leaks in the bathroom. We still need to get the tiles replaced but no more leaks. How many plumbers we have had out that are just a waste of space. Anyway after thousands spent and most of mums savings gone we are plodding along. Anyway enough about that. I’m sick of seeing and talking to plumbers haha

Anyway we went to Scotland last September mum, Gaby and I. We went to Inverness, I absolutely loved it, we all did. It was fun and I could feel you there with me. We did the Loch Ness tour, a boat tour where we saw dolphins, seals and guess what I got on camera video a basking shark doing a double breach, a rarity in its self. Everyone wanted a copy and it was also used at the Inverness marina (how cool) oh and as you can tell I saw and fed lots of Highland coos ( I want one) or maybe 2 or 3 .

Anyway we then got bad news that mum may have multiple myeloma and we are taking her Monday for a bone marrow biopsy. She hasn’t been very well so I’ve been dealing with that alongside I had my ovaries removed last month and had various complications. Now it seems that I’ve been referred to urology as urgent because I’ve had blood and white blood cells in urine for last ) weeks and 3 types of antibiotics haven’t worked (what a pain) literally

Anyway I’ve also been adding and selling your DVDs and books like we originally planned - last year was really busy but since December it’s been quiet, hopefully things will pick up as I’m planning on my website now as the fees on eBay are quite pricy alongside my shop subscription.

Also mum, Gaby, Maxine and I are going to krakow in December, Gaby said you always wanted to go to auschwitz So we are doing this for you. Massi staying with Winnie, unfortunately she is getting on now and has slight incontinence so we have her on more medication but she will be 13 in August. I hope she is with us for at least a few years yet as she has also been my rock with everything.

Anyway will update you again soon. We love you and miss you so much. I hope you’re up there having espresso and reading a book among the clouds watching down on us. Love you so much xxxxx♥️



Hi Dad, well I feel absolutely terrible that it’s been so long since I’ve written to you. I’m so sorry. I know you would understand but I’ve been so stressed with everything. I’ve always carried you in my thoughts though & a day doesn’t go by where I don’t think about you or miss you.

The latest is really just about helping mum, making sure she is alright, just like I promised you.

Also I’ve opened my eBay shop to sell your books & incorporated Avon like we discussed so been busy with that, although haven’t even put any of your books etc on yet because every time I go to pick up a book I get upset (don’t tell anyone though) no honestly I will be going through it all soon. Did I tell you we are moving to Scotland next year. Ok the correction is hopefully by next next year. Hoping outskirts of Inverness or Edinburgh, well I think too many memories here & wouldn't it be nice to be closer to you by being in your homeland. Plus you have to admit the scenery is beautiful

I start bereavement counselling in May with St Barnabas which I think will help me get out all my emotions because it’s been so hard lately I just try and carry on and be strong but (sometimes we just need to talk it out)

Nothing more really to report of any importance anyway but all is ok here (as well as can be expected)

Mum will be fine, she is helping me with eBay so keeps her occupied and tomorrow she will be watching the coronation (much to your annoyance) haha well you always didn’t like the royals but mum will be in her element.

Winnie & Massi all ok so don’t worry. No

Love ya loads dad & wrote again soon. Mwah



Hi Dad, well it’s been a while. I’m so sorry. I’ve been meaning to write but it’s just been so busy & hard dealing with things (mainly health) you know how that is.

So Massi works afternoons now which means he starts at 1.30 so that means can spend more time in mornings with mum so she gets out the house.

Also we have been watching the rugby six nations which has been really great, Scotland have been doing well, tomorrow they play Italy so we shall see. Shame they didn’t win the triple crown but at least their performances have improved & who knows what the future holds.

Mum & I went to see “anything goes” at the windmill was great & I really enjoyed it. We went on your wedding anniversary in the evening.

Today Gaby is coming down for Mother’s Day weekend and we are going for lunch with mum on Sunday which will be lovely. All in all it should be fun & of course be wonderful to see Gaby too.

Winnie is doing much better with her arthritis so that’s good news. Obviously still issues with her paw but not like it was a few weeks back.

The other day was strange I was out with Winnie and we were at the green and I could suddenly smell your aftershave it was only for about 30seconds but I knew there and then it was you telling me you were ok and things were going to be alright.

Oh hope you like the pen ️ in the picture thought you would appreciate it as you definitely were the pen connoisseur, ok maybe not with those crazy pens but you know what I mean. Haha

Anyway love you always Dad & miss you so much ♥️♥️♥️



Oh Dad, what a game between Scotland & France!! Scotland lost but they played an excellent game. It was so hard to watch but mum & I were shouting at the TV. Haha you would have been laughing at the two of us! Anyway no further news really, EXCEPT Steven your friend from st barnabas sent us well he made us a copy of the work you did on my birthday (how lovely of him) we watched it & all I can say dad was it’s fantastic, your work came to life & it was like you were with us as we could see you & hear your voice. I’m so proud of you. I often cry still as I think about you and the time we didn’t get together but then I watch your funny video with you boxing with oven mitts & I just laugh to myself it’s what keeps me going. Anyway love you loads & loads XX

Kate hughes


Well it’s been a while since I wrote here. Sorry, it’s been busy (hospitals, Drs etc) you know how it goes. But that doesn’t mean you’re not in my thoughts everyday. It’s been a hard time not being able to speak to you, hear your voice or hug you.

Good news though Scotland won the Calcutta cup in rugby last night. You would have been so proud. I can imagine you would have been running up and down the room celebrating. They played so well. They certainly deserved the win .

Anyway, I don’t have much more news, only that I have a lot of hospital appointments scheduled next week and week after but it’s all sent to test you so will be ok.

Mum is fine, obviously missing you, but we do talk about you a lot which helps but also brings tears.

Winnie hasn’t been well, she is on strong painkillers now for her arthritis but she will be ok. She is a strong girlie. They seem to be helping but will know more as time goes by.

Massi is ok, you know work etc. so don’t worry all is in hand.

Just to say though it’s very hard you not being here anymore. Love you loads and miss you so much

Love Kate always and forever



Well it’s been a while since I wrote here. Sorry, it’s been busy (hospitals, Drs etc) you know how it goes. But that doesn’t mean you’re not in my thoughts everyday. It’s been a hard time not being able to speak to you, hear your voice or hug you.

Good news though Scotland won the Calcutta cup in rugby last night. You would have been so proud. I can imagine you would have been running up and down the room celebrating. They played so well. They certainly deserved the win .

Anyway, I don’t have much more news, only that I have a lot of hospital appointments scheduled next week and week after but it’s all sent to test you so will be ok.

Mum is fine, obviously missing you, but we do talk about you a lot which helps but also brings tears.

Winnie hasn’t been well, she is on strong painkillers now for her arthritis but she will be ok. She is a strong girlie. They seem to be helping but will know more as time goes by.

Massi is ok, you know work etc. so don’t worry all is in hand.

Just to say though it’s very hard you not being here anymore. Love you loads and miss you so much

Love Kate always and forever



It’s been a while Dad, but it’s your favourite poets birthday (Rabbie Burns)

We did book Scotland, but then the place had overbooked & we had to change dates & then people couldn’t make the new dates (you know how it goes) however, we will be bringing you home 2024, bright side is we get to spend some more time with you.

Anyway I love you loads dad & I miss you more & more.

Mum is doing ok, she misses you of course but her memory is not so great now, but don’t worry we are hear looking after her.

I’m glad I have/had the most 2 most beautiful parents in the world. I am so lucky.

Anyway I love you dad.

I’m sure you’re are up in the clouds & among the stars with Rabbie tonight ♥️ reading & telling each other lots of stories

Till we meet again dad



Hi Dad, well it’s New Year’s Eve… where has the time gone. It was only less than 2 months ago we were saying our goodbyes. Although if I had known that the morning of the 8th was our final time together, I would have held your hand all night.

We have nearly booked our Scotland trip but we have a few more things to finalise but I promise to make you proud. I’m planning on seeing lots of places (I promise to take you on each journey)

Anyway as 2022 draws to a close and 2023 arrives, life & family will never be the same without you but I promise to try and live life to the fullest in your honour. The morning you left a part of me did too but that just means you are with me wherever I go.

Anyway Dad, until we meet again!

Hope you are celebrating Hogmanay wherever you are of course I’m sure you & Robert burns are having a good ole time.

Lots of love Kate



Hi Dad, so yesterday was Christmas Day! It did feel empty at times but once we sat down for our meal it felt like you were with us. Emotions are like a rolla coaster at times. Sometimes I think I must tell Dad & then it hits me you aren’t here anymore so I go into your work room where all your stuff is and talk to you. Anyway mum had a good time, we had lots of laughs and talked about you & all the memories we shared.
So we are in the process of organising Scotland next year so that will be nice, we plan to do the Highlands, Oban & Glencoe too as well as where you were born & Glasgow/Edinburgh etc. it will be lovely taking your ashes because it’s like you are really with us. Anyway Happy Christmas Dad wherever you are. Just know we all love you & miss you so much. You were the best dad ever & I’m so very proud of you. Mum is ok so don’t worry I will always look after her. Love you



Hi Dad, we had your celebration of life last Saturday, I think I did you proud. Gaby read a Robert Burns poem, Massi & Maxine also did poems & I did your celebration of life speech. It took me some time to write that (I just wanted it to be perfect) Winnie woof was also there, you would have loved it. Soon it will be Christmas, it’s getting harder by the day, usually we would all be together & this year, you, my darling dad won’t be with us. We all miss you terribly. Mum is well, doing ok, we are looking after her & well as you can imagine it’s hard for us all. You were the life & soul of Christmas always telling jokes and making us laugh. anyway, I promise to make Christmas special in honour of you and to make mum smile. We still have Scotland to plan for next year which will be an adventure. We are bringing you home Dad. Just to say I love you always & miss you so much. See you again Dad love always Kate xxxxx



It’s been a while since you left us, but I miss you terribly. As you know it was Mum’s 8oth birthday yesterday & I think we made it as special as we could under the circumstances. I think you would have been proud! I also got her the present you asked me to get her from you before you passed, she loved it, mum wore it to dinner. Massi took us to the Fish factory (well you know how fussy mum is when it comes to eating out) anyway dad we have lots to plan for your celebration of life which we have booked on 10th December & I’m in the process of organising Scotland next year. I know how much you wanted to go again and visit home & all the beautiful places but I’m sure you will be there in spirit.

I am broken without you but keeping strong for mum, just like you would want! Don’t worry she is being looked after. I promise to do you proud

Anyway love you always dad, rest easy & see you on the other side.

P.s thought you would appreciate the picture and find it funny.

Love Kate xxx

Heather Street


It's been a privilege meeting you and getting to know you a little Harry. Rest now.

Crissy Hodson


Wherever you are I wish you peace ❤️ You made a big impression on me in the short time I knew you; most of all I remember your smile and the warm cosy feeling that emanated from you.

May your energy surround the globe and make it a better place to be.

With all my love and appreciation for having met you, your friend Crissy



An honest man here lies at rest,
As e'er God with His image blest:
The friend of man, the friend of truth;
The friend of age, and guide of youth:
Few hearts like his, with virtue warm'd,
Few heads with knowledge so inform'd:
If there's another world, he lives in bliss;
If there is none, he made the best of this.

Winnie Pooh


Grandad, I will miss our long walks & cuddles.

Thank you for all the love & kisses you showed me. I miss you already lots & lots like jelly tots.

No one makes a grandad special like you

Sleep well Grandad, love Winnie (woof woof) xxx

Yvette Barda


Harry or should I say Dad! You were to me like a second Dad, your grace, charm, sense of humour, love for life and people made you a unique and beautiful human. I am heartbroken you have gone but know that you are no longer in pain. I’m so pleased I got to spend time with you over the past few weeks. Until we meet again. Rest in Peace love always xxx

Kate Hughes


Dad, I know that you are no longer in pain & are finally at peace, but not having you here with me anymore is heartbreaking. You were the best dad a daughter could wish for and I was so so lucky to have you. I love you so much & I will always hold you close to my heart.

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