Mr John Philip Hopwood

Mr John Philip Hopwood

23.11.1947 - 20.05.2019

John Philip Hopwood, born 23rd November 1947 in Hull, was the second of the five children of Reginald and Lillian Hopwood, brother to Ian, Angela, Derek and Christine.
John was an energetic, bright, mischievous boy who battled authority from the earliest age! He attended Dulwich College and went on to study Agriculture at Leeds University, where he met Pam. They set up home in Hillingdon, Middlesex, and John worked for the local authority, until becoming a stay at home father to their daughter Sarah. Sadly, the marriage did not last, and John made the move to the south coast, ultimately making Elmer his home.
John was a complicated man. He could be volatile, unreliable, rude, arrogant, down-right scary at times, but he was also kind and generous, he could be good company and he had a razor sharp mind, he enjoyed sport, cards and gardening. John was always scratching at the surface of people, often causing offense, challenge, irritation even hurt, but he was mining for the precious metals of honesty, authenticity and a shared experience of the human condition. He sought, more than anything, a connection with others that resonated with his own experience.
John, like all of us, was flawed, made mistakes and paid a cruel price, but within that ravaged body always lay the child, the wayward, cheeky, excitable, competitive, reflective, vulnerable, little boy, longing to be accepted and loved. He was, and will remain a much loved brother.
Finally he is at peace, go well John.

Gerard (Ged) Green


Shared digs with you, Pamela Stanley and Christine Joy at Mr. and Mrs. Fulton's when we studied Agriculture at Leeds University. Great fun, snooker, darts, pubs but not a lot of studying.
Happiest time of my life, so sorry to have lost contact with a great friend and I hope you had a happy life.



Rest in peace Uncle John.
With love,
Lisa & Robbie xxx

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