June Barrett

June Barrett

16.07.1941 - 01.11.2016

Our June, Our beloved mother worked hard all her life right up to the day she was made aware her life would be coming to a close.

June spent all her life helping and training people within the work place and at home.

June worked at the N.H.S dental financial center in Chichester and in her retired days was a director of Phoenix swimming pools running a successful business before finally working for the C.A.B in Bognor Regis.

June left two children and two grandchildren Tania Munro and Wayne Barrett and there Children Christopher Munro and Marty Villahermosa Barrett.

Sylvia Hill


June was my best friend. We had so many great times together, researching our family history, exploring places of interest on our days out or just having a laugh and a chat. June was a great source of advice and enjoyed helping other people out with her ' pearls of wisdom,' but also would on occasions, ask me for advice which I felt privileged to give as best I could. We spent several years working together at the CAB helping our clients as much as we could and having a laugh along the way. There were so many more things we had planned to do and places we were looking forward to visiting but June's illness caught us up and we didn't have time to carry out our plans. We had also begun drawing up a wish list of things June would still be able to do but June being June insisted on making sure her family and affairs were in order as a first priority, putting others before herself as usual. June had wanted to visit Goring sea front where she has hoped to rest as it was one of her favourite places despite the fact hat she had travelled so extensively. I will make the trip however and have a cuppa on the sea front in her memory as she would have wished. For all those who knew her, her passing will leave a 'June shaped' gap in their lives that will be hard to fill. Cheers June !

Jan Lake


I will miss you so much. R.I.P. Love Jan

Maureen O'Reilly


Dear June
Remembering happy times with you and Chris.
Sleep well
Love Maureen x

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