Mrs Patricia May Churchill

Mrs Patricia May Churchill

03.11.1920 - 08.05.2021

Born in London on 3rd November 1920, Patricia (Paddy) spent her early childhood in Norfolk, where her parents both taught, as well as setting her a fine example of full participation in church and village life. Her secondary education was mainly completed at Wycombe High School for Girls, from where she won a place in 1939 at Bedford College to study languages. Evacuated to Cambridge where her studies included a teaching qualification, she made lifelong friends among other students, including Jack Churchill who was studying Theology and Maths.
She took a succession of teaching posts at Northampton Girls High School, ending as Assistant Deputy Head before leaving to marry Jack and begin a new life as clergy-wife. Making the best of a huge variety of church accommodation over the years, as they moved from London to Sheffield, Bury St. Edmunds and Carlisle (where Jack was Dean) they finally retired to Norwich. Throughout a busy life devoted to the church, creating a Christian welcome in home and hearth to all who needed it, Patricia developed her own ministry to women through Young Wives, Mothers’ Union, Women’s Ordination candidates, Julian groups and many other ways.
A very active retirement in Norwich (too many volunteer roles to mention) was followed by twelve years in another Christian community in Manormead, Hindhead culminating in wonderful celebrations for her 100th birthday, marked by hundreds of cards and messages. In her final six months she was cared for, with tenderness and understanding, at Green Willow, East Preston.
Her pivotal role as beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother has left a huge hole for the rest of the family but a wonderful example for all to follow.




With happy memories and love from Philip and Angela Herrick

Mary Butler


With fond memories of a lovely lady. RIP Patricia

Jill Smith


With our love and happy memories of Patricia
Jill and John Smith
Carlisle Diocese

Anne Aves


In loving memory Anne and the late Revd Canon Dr. John Aves,
(one of Jack's ordinands).

Clive Harriss


Our deepest condolences on the loss of Patricia.

Clive and Susan Harriss

Rosalind Kemp


Remembering how much Patricia loved books and what a good cook she was. Even in her old age, she was baking cakes and selling them for charity.
With much love.

Rex and Margaret


Our thoughts today are with all Patricia's family and friends for a great send-off for a great lady.



Granny / Great Granny meant so much to so many people. We are so lucky to have had the privilege of her love and company for so long, and the opportunity for her great children to get to know her so well.



With enormous appreciation and thanks for the friendship between Patricia and our parents, Conway and Mary Lee. We thank God for the joyful, loving witness of Patricia’s life and for the love between the Churchills and the Berners-lees.
From Tim, Peter, Helen, Mike

Anne and Andrew Wilkinson and family Oxford


To dear John and the Churchill family.

What a wonderful age for your Mother to reach and clearly a life dedicated to family and Christ.
May God bless her and care for her; May He comfort you and be with you all.

With love and prayers.
Anne, Andrew, Louise, Patrick, Polly, and our two grandchildren, Ottilie and Elliot.

David Gibson


In memory of a lovely lady whose hospitality at the Deanery was so welcoming on my return to Carlisle in 1976.

Ellie Gibson


My Granny had such a huge influence on my life, she was a French teacher in the 1940s and so taught her children French, leading my mum to put me in French classes aged 5. She was so proud of me living abroad, and loved telling people about her granddaughter in Paris. I will miss her so much.

Freddie & Ruth Foss-Smith


A wonderful Granny, and magnificent Great Granny to our children.
We utterly adored her and always will. She made us all feel very special and happy in her presence.



With happy memories of my aunt, Patricia, a wonderful influence within our family both in England and in Canada. Much loved and missed.

Alison and Adam Elgar


In loving memory of a remarkable aunt who was such an important figure, especially in my early life. She was an example to us all of how to live a rich, loving, and fulfilling life. I will miss her.
With much love, Alison



With our love and many treasured memories.
Marjorie and Chris Morris

Kevin Payant


An honour to have known such a lovely lady. Lyn and Kevin Payant.

Zoë Chalfant


Auntie Patty always sent a heartfelt card for my birthday. She made me feel special and like I was family. Growing up without any extended family nearby, it meant a lot.

Lucy and Heywood


I would like to make this donation in Patricia\'s memory and on behalf of my family, particularly my parents, Michael and Margaret Paton who were clerical colleagues and friends of Jack and Patricia in their Sheffield days. They were always delighted when they saw each other again here in Norwich.

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

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