Mrs Sue Patrick

Mrs Sue Patrick

27.05.1960 - 14.08.2020

Sue Patrick passed away on the 14th August 2020, after a brief struggle with cancer. She died in St Wilfrid’s Hospice with children, Fiona and Jonathan, and partner, Mike, by her bedside.
She was much loved by family, friends, and respected by all who met her in her teaching profession. Staff, parents and pupils will remember her dedication and complete professionalism at Chichester’s Central and Jessie Younghusband Schools, and at Berewood School in Waterlooville.
Sue was 60 years young, and will be sadly missed.
Any donations will support St Wilfrid’s in the tremendous and tireless work they do.



Miss patrick was the headteacher at berewood the whole time i was there and she was so sweet. She made berewood a beautiful place and im glad i got to meet her and grow up with her as my head teacher throughout primary school

Deni Harden


Dear Mike, Fiona and Jonathan,
I’m so sad to have just heard of Sue’s passing in 2020. She was a very dear friend to me during our time in Frankfurt, Germany. We kept in touch from time to time throughout the years and spent a delightful week in Chichester in 2013. We have such fond memories of that time together.
Sue was the kindest and most genuine person and I can only imagine how much you must miss her.
I will be forever grateful for having spent some very precious and significant moments together.
If you are ever visiting Australia please give me a call.
Much love to you all,
Deni Harden

Lee Murley


Only heard today....
An amazing lady, hardworking and the best advisor I have ever worked with. No surprise at all that she was an amazing school leader. Feel really privileged to have worked with her. Rest in peace Sue-you absolute maths legend!!



Sue was my headteacher and she said to me and my sister that she will not retire until me and my sister have left and when I found out I was in tears and I just wish that she could beat cancer she was the best headteacher you could ask her I miss u sue love crystal

Gay Arrowsmith


Just found out about you passing. So very sorry to hear. Knew you for over 40 years.
Rest in peace.
May God give peace and comfort to all family and friends
Your old friend Gay x

Liz Skelcher


I first met Sue only in January 2020 at Chichester Rockchoir. We sat together for a term and at the start of lockdown we would see each other and text each other during the Rockchoir zoom sessions. We had coffee together just once and one video conversation, so I was only really beginning to get to know her, but I was immediately struck by her warmth and intelligence, her zest for life and love and pride in Fi and Jono. I had no doubt that we would become firm friends but so sadly it wasn’t to be. I feel privileged to have met Sue and to have begun to get to know her for just that short period; I can only imagine the huge number of lives that must have been lit by knowing her, over the years, both professionally and personally.

Corinne Rowbotham


I had the pleasure of meeting and treating Sue at the start of her chemotherapy journey. She was full of life and determined to fight the cancer, living her life to the full and for as long as possible. Unfortunately despite her best efforts it was not meant to be, but she left a lasting impression on those that looked after her. An amazing and inspiring lady; a part of whom will be carried with each and everyone of us in our hearts.

Zuleika Phillips


I was deeply saddened to learn of Sue’s passing. She was a great support to me when I started my teaching career and an inspiration to me as a teacher. She was always kind and easy to talk to and to seek advice from. She was an inspiring leader. I give my deepest condolences to her family.

Olivia Sturley


Mrs Patrick was such a lovely teacher. She was always very understanding and she was always good with her choice of words. I am so grateful that I knew Mrs Patrick she definitely helped me become the person I am today. She was like this wonderful person who was always so positive and it just brightened up my day. Thank you so much for making such a good impact to my life I will forever be grateful. Rest in peace Mrs Patrick xx

Fiona S


Dear Sue,
Thank you for being an inspiration,
Thank you for your spirit of adventure and fun,
Thank you for being so generous with your time, nothing was too much,
Thank you for your kind words, your advice,
Thank you for checking on how firm the ground was on which we stood,
Thank you for your friendship,
Thank you for the chats over coffee or a glass of wine.
Thank you for the walks and for sharing news.
Thank you for the suppers where, for the sake of our better halves, we didn't spend all night talking school!
Thank you for just being you, a remarkable woman.
You will be sorely missed but your legacy will carry on in many, many hearts.
God Bless you, Fiona



Happy memories of working together at Dover Park

Di Taylor


Happy Memories of Teaching together at Dover Park

Alan Matthews


It was great working with Sue at Medmerry in the mid 1990’s where I got to know her, Fiona and Jono.
She was a truly inspirational and consummate teacher and a wonderful colleague.
I am so pleased she found happiness with Mike.

Karen Johnston


From the very first time I met Sue I was astounded by her kind, caring and considerate nature. I wondered if she was for real. As we started on the Berewood journey it quickly became apparent that she was. She gained my love and respect for many reasons but the quality I hold most dear was her wonderful ability to see the good in everyone.
God Bless

Anne Weber–Turnbull


Sue and I met at the beginning of secondary school in Portsmouth and became firm friends, together with Jo, who sadly also succumbed to cancer two years ago. Although I have lived abroad for most of the last forty years we have remained in contact and upheld a beautiful friendship throughout, seizing the opportunity to meet when possible. Sue was a wonderful, warm hearted, kind, caring and loyal friend. Her dedication to her work was inspiring. I will cherish my memories of her and will miss her lovely personality. With love, Anne

Carol Hughes


Thank you for all the help, guidance and support over the years.

Mary Carrigan


Sue has been a wonderful friend and colleague since she started as a mathematics consultant working in the team to deliver the National Strategies. Her work ethic was amazing and she had excellent relationships with all the schools and colleagues in West Sussex county council. Her attention to detail was impeccable and she had an amazing capacity for coaching and improving the teaching in all the schools where she worked. I was her mentor through the NPQH and knew she would make an excellent headteacher. I jokingy said I would be a governor for her when I retired but typical of Sue she retorted why wait come and be a governor at Jesse which I did until I left West Sussex to move nearer family in Yorkshire. We supported each other through many sad and happy times and we usually meet up over a meal to catch up and share our personal and work events. Sue would refer to me as her mentor but as Mike said in his wonderful eulogy that normally Sue would have all the basis covered to solve any problems but she enjoyed talking things through.
After moving I visited WS regularly staying at Sue's cottage and catching up on family, work and friends. We shared our sadness when her mother became ill at the time my eldest son was diagnosed with cancer and we grieved together at their deaths.
We always shared news on our children and any new ventures in our lives and we continued to keep in touch and I will miss that so much.
My deepest regards go to all her family especially Fe and Jono and to Mike. Sue always told me that my son Anthony would always be with me and I believe your amazing Mother and partner will be there and guide your decisions as you move on with your lives.
Thanks you Sue your friendship will remain in my heart.



In loving memory of Sue,
With Love From
Debbie & John



My relationship with Sue started as a Berewood Mum , being on the PTA I wanted to “get my foot in the door” after following Sue’s advice of studying and volunteering she gave me the opportunity of a role in Berewood which I loved and still enjoy now . Sue always believed in me when I had doubts, she would laugh and smile when I was “acting up” as she would say ,but said to me “never to change for anyone, life has to be fun” . One of my earliest memories was in a mindfulness class , (she hadn’t been my boss for long! )whereby we had to stare into each other’s eye’s for about a minute without laughing! Sue knew I wouldn’t be able to do this but to my surprise she was just as unable and within seconds we were giggling like naughty school girls! I remember going on a long community walk with Sue where we put the world to rights and learned a lot about each other , something I won’t forget, I found a new deeper respect for her , not just as my boss but as Someone to look up to . Even at times when we didn’t agree on things Sue kept a calm,respectful manner which only she could behold , I found this inspiring .
My thoughts go to her family , her memories will forever be at Berewood. Xx



I was lucky enough to work with Sue at various times over a twenty year period and with us each in four different roles. Sue was always warm and caring, wise and professional. My favourite memory has to be from 1st March 2001 when we planned an information evening for parents and subsequently found out that not only was there very heavy rain and wind forecast for that very evening but it was also the evening when Eastenders would finally reveal who shot Phil Mitchell. We were convinced no one would come but of course in the event 200 parents turned up to hear her talk! And she was brilliant!

Joy Considine


I feel privileged to have known Sue in a professional as well as a personal capacity. She was a brilliant headteacher who was devoted to the pupils, families and staff at Berewood. She truly cared for each and every one of them and would go out of her way to make sure they were nurtured, cared for and safe. She knew each one personally and would give them time to share problems or indeed successes and so made individuals feel special. In turn, children, parents and staff showed their respect and love towards her. I remember fondly the amazing gifts she received on her retirement reflecting how much she was valued and loved by the Berewood family. Her drive and ambition shone through all aspects of her work and this allowed her to create an exceptional primary school in which every child really did matter.
I was delighted when Sue suggested that we continue to meet as friends following her retirement. We met occasionally for lunch or even dinner when I was staying at a local hotel for work. Her broad range of interests, including attending a performance by The Hollies in Guildford, meant that conversation was not confined to 'shop talk.' Apart from trying to put the world to rights, Sue was genuinely interested in what others had to say and never failed to enquire after my youngest and very troubled dog! I will miss her integrity, her wisdom and her warmth and her delightful sense of humour.

Julia Bowering


Sue was always so positive, open and friendly. I remember chatting with her about how she originally decided to become a primary teacher. It seems this was something of a default option at the time, but she counted herself among the luckiest people because it proved to be her true vocation and she couldn't imagine a different life.
It is so sad that she wasn't able to take forward her many retirement projects, but I hope it is some comfort that she truly made a difference to many.

Sarah Neal Davy


I only had the pleasure of meeting Sue once as part of my NPQH training at Chichester University. She kindly gave up her time to work with me 1:1 on the first module. I was immediately inspired by her passion for education and her kind, encouraging and supportive manner. She spoke enthusiastically about her time as Head Teacher and must be greatly missed by the schools and children that were fortunate enough to have spent more time with her.



I only worked with Sue for a short time but feel blessed to have met such a wonderful person.

Incredibly knowledgeable, I will miss your professionalism and kindness Sue.

Graham Olway


It was a privilege to work with Sue as Chair of Governors at Berewood from the very earliest days through to its opening and beyond. The School will be one of many tributes to someone who was just so real and lovely to everyone - I will miss her friendship and support but will only have very happy memories of someone who always brightened any room she entered.

Sophie Simcox


I feel blessed to have worked with Sue at JYS and to have then known her as a friend after she left. She was such a remarkable lady and an inspiration to many. Nothing was ever too much trouble. I will always remember her sense of professionalism, calmness, positivity, and drive to always strive to do the best for others. I will miss our JYS meals in Chichester and chats on Zoom on some lockdown Thursdays too x



Gonna miss you so much... now who’s going to push my wheelbarrow?



It’s yellow, you said. No, it’s green, said I. Most won’t understand this, but it’s just one little thing that gave us both many smiles in our 5 years working together at Berewood. Those moments when you closed my office door and we put the world to rights. Precious times. I quietly observed as you touch the hearts of everyone who met you. Your extraordinary kindness, patience, caring, empathy - the list goes on. Every thesaurus should have the words Mrs P against those entries.

A true pleasure to have known you, both as a colleague and friend, Sue.

Your star shines brightly, and your legacy is there for all to see.


Julie Saunders


Reach for the sky
Climb every mountain high
Reach for the sky
Follow you heart's desire
And when that rainbow is shining over you
That's when your dreams will all come true.
Your friends at Jessie sang this, S Club, song for you in assembly, before you left to start your new school.
Whenever I hear it, it brings such great memories. I can't resist joining in with the singing and performing the dance routine.
You are a star in the sky Sue, and you will be greatly missed.
Love to you Sue.

Rachael Potter


I was so lucky to work with Sue at Central, at Jessie and at Berewood. She was such an inspiration - she always saw the best in everyone. Her love of her profession shone out of her and her energy and kindness will continue to inspire all of those lucky enough to have worked with her and counted her as a friend. I am so glad that my children had her as their headteacher. We will all miss her so much.

Dawn Searle


Dear Sue
When I got the call to supply at Berewood I thought it would be a few weeks and move on. I was at my lowest and felt that Schools just wasn't the job for me anymore. Meeting you was the best thing. You supported me and gave me back my confidence. I can't thank you enough. I will continue to be strong and look after myself (your words).
Thank you, you will forever be in my heart.



Sue was such an inspirational lady; I loved working with her and my children were very lucky to have had her as their headteacher. We will all miss her so much.

Anna Baker


Sue was a wonderful and inspiring head teacher who I am so grateful to have been able to work with. I will remember her for her kindness to me when I returned to teaching, her positivity, her calm and gentle nature and her genuine interest in others. She has left a wonderful legacy at Berewood and she will be very sadly missed.



A beautiful lady inside and out who will truly be missed. Grateful to of met such a wonderful, kind person and be welcomed by you into the Berewood family. Will be forever thankful for your thoughtfulness and understanding when I’ve needed you, particularly through days when my boys been poorly and you’ve supported this. One memory I have is when you kindly drove me home from work to be with him. The best headteacher a school has ever been lucky to have. The maker of Berewood. Rest in peace lovely lady x x



Dear Sue,
You have always been a remarkable person, to work with and as a friend. Always caring, always valuing small things whilst striving to ensure bigger things were achieved well for the benefit of all.
One morning I saw a beautiful pink moon on the way to school. I mentioned this to a colleague who hadn’t seen it. Unbeknown to me Sue, you overheard the conversation and later found me to to say you had seen it. This conversation is so memorable because you made time to find me in a busy day to share the beautiful moon.
We had so many lovely conversations about life and our families. You will always be a part of me. xxxx

Helen Harrison


Sue, from the day we first met I knew you were an Outstanding Lady, with zest and commitment, which you showed in everything you did. You always had a smile for everyone. To an amazing lady who was a true inspiration to me. I’m going to miss you my lovely lovely friend. Xxx



Sue was a wonderful lady and will be so missed.
She outreached and met everyone with a smile.



Dear Sue, you were a kind, thoughtful and caring colleague, friend and fellow Rockie. I am privileged to have worked with you, shared both happy and sad times with you, and sung my heart out with you. God bless. x

Karen Stocks


I didn't know Sue for long but she was always such a positive, kind and thoughtful lady. It was a real privilege to have known and worked with Sue, as a fellow headteacher within the Trust. She touched so many lives, (big and small) and will be sadly missed xxx

Karen Doubleday


My darling best friend Sue, surrogate sister and rock for me through the 32 years we shared together, I miss you so much.
The way you lived your life with such positive attitude and gratitude for all your blessings are among the many legacies you have left us.
Goodbye my darling friend
I love you
Karen xx



Thank you for all your support and kindness throughout our time together at Berewood. The school will forever hold wonderful memories of you in the staff, pupils and the Berewood story on its walls.

Viv Kies


Sue was simply the best Headteacher and dear friend we could wish for. She encouraged and saw the best in everyone.
Some of us will remember the personalised messages she wrote to each and every member of staff at the end of every term. In fact, when Berewood Primary first opened in 2014 she celebrated each first... First day, week, term.
Some will remember her encouragement to try something new of different so long as there was the necessary risk assessment or policy n place. 'Of course you can take year 1 and 2 on the London Eye... set fire to a cardboard Pudding Lane in the school grounds...'
Some will remember her finishing the last pone call or office job and then whizzing into the hall, often in her dress and tights, to join the hula hooping class - and she was still better than many of us!
Some will remember her talking of the skylarks flying and singing above the school. She loved the quiet time before the bustle of the school day when I'm sure they sang just for her.
Most of us will remember her word perfect 'Berewood Story' which she shared with every visitor and prospective parent to the school. She must have recited it over 100 times, she was word perfect!
We will remember how she lead be example; happy to pick up a broom in the lunch hall, cover a class when needed, clear up those 'little accidents'... She didn't need to ask members of staff to do things because she was there doing it alongside us all.
We always know when the last parent and child had gone home because she would take off her heels and walk around in her tights or barefoot.
But most of all we will remember her warmth and huge heart, how genuinely she cared about every single child and adult in the school.
We will miss you Sue x
Berewood Primary School

Vivienne Kies


Sue was simply the best Headteacher and dear friend we could wish for. She encouraged and saw the best in everyone.
Some of us will remember the personalised messages she wrote to each and every member of staff at the end of every term. In fact, when Berewood Primary first opened she celebrated each first... 1st day, week, term.
Some will remember her encouragement to try something new or different so long as there was the necessary risk assessment or policy in place! 'Of course you can take year 1 and 2 on the London Eye... set fire to a cardboard Pudding Lane in the school grounds....'
Some will remember her finishing the last phone call or office job and then whizzing into the hall, often in her tights and dress, to join the hula hooping class - and she was still better than many of us!
Some will remember her talking of the skylarks flying and singing above the school. She loved the quiet time before the bustle of the school day.
Most of us will remember her word perfect 'Berewood Story' which she shared with every visitor and prospective parent to the school. She must have recited it over 100 times, she was word perfect.
We will all remember how she lead by example; happy to pick up a broom in the lunch hall, cover a class when needed, clear up little accidents... She didn't need to ask members of staff to do things because she was there ding it alongside us all.
We always knew when the last parent and child had gone home because she would take off her heels and walk around in her tights or barefoot.
But most of all we will remember her warmth and huge heart, how she genuinely she cared about every single child and adult in the school and how her door was always open.
We will miss you Sue x
Berewood Primary School



Sue a dear friend for over 30 years , I will miss you dearly.
I will remember you always for your positivity, kindness, laughter and sense of humour. X

Rachel Appleby


When I last spoke to Sue she was overwhelmed by the flowers and messages she had received from past colleagues and friends. I think this only went to show how many lives she had touched and how highly others thought of her. My thoughts are with her family.

Tracey Waller


Such an inspirational lady and wonderful Headteacher at Jessie Younghusband School.
After giving so much to so many families over the years, this was supposed to be her time now.
We thank you as a family for being our fabulous Primary School Head.
Sue made a difference to so many.
Thank you.
Tracey, Terry, Grace and George Waller



My lovely Sue, I’m missing you like crazy. It’s going to be so, so, hard not having you around. All those retirement plans we were making ….. but no, I must remember the time we had together, that warm smile, that lovely persona, that ‘can-do’ attitude, that calmness, that unswerving dedication to life and work. What a joy you were to be with, and to have known you.
Sweetheart, rest in peace, Mike



Sue ‘s passion for education was always evident - a wonderful colleague, so supportive. Those that have worked with her will miss her enthusiasm & kindness.



Sue was such a warm-hearted and generous headteacher colleague - we will miss her.

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