Richard Matthews

Richard Matthews

10.02.1935 - 20.03.2024

Richard passed away peacefully Wednesday 20th March, aged 89 years. Beloved husband of Marion and much loved father of Katie and Tim. He will be greatly missed by all of his family and friends.

David and Valerie Wyatt


In fond memory of our precious Friend

Simon Dominic Anderson


All the best.

Gordon & Maria Salmon


Thinking of you at this sad time.

Pam & Samantha Orchard


In memory of Richard Matthews, may his memory go on xx

Amy Matthews


My father in law Richard Matthews!
Thankyou for welcoming me into your family some 24 years ago. That speech on our wedding day will never be forgotten “Your majesty”.
I will remember fondly : Your kindness, your unique dry sense of humour; sharing precious holidays - which had to involve a boat trip or a steam train; finding out that you had lived in Sydney in a house I walked past everyday whilst on placement as an OT! Your interest in my work and asking after my family, saying Grace at mealtimes “Thankyou Lord” whilst raising a glass of usually Australian red wine; your love of the sea and playing boats down on the beach with your grandchildren, happy, precious memories. Thankyou

Susan Quaintance


In our thoughts at this sad time for you.

Shirley Stewart


Dear Marion, Katie and Tim, I have so many happy memories of Richard from when we were younger, seeing him at the station when Katie and I used to go to Croydon being one of them. He will be sadly missed but he will forever be remembered in your hearts and memories. Lots of love to you all, Shirley x

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

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