Robert 'Bob' James Stone

Robert 'Bob' James Stone

06.11.1942 - 19.01.2021

Bob (the dog) formerly the landlord of the Berkeley Arms (Bognor Regis), sadly passed away on 19th January 2021 aged 78 years. A loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. Husband to Jan, father to Robert, father in law to Elaine, grandfather to Millie, Imogen & Dexter and great grandfather to Milo. He will be greatly missed by all his family and friends.

Russell Miller


My Uncle Big Boots Bob fantastic memories as a kid of my Gentle Giant Uncle. Thanks also for letting me and my mates spend all day at the pub for my 18th - memories, and lack thereof, I'll never forget. Love always, Russell

Colleen rayner


Uncle Bob. You will always be our hearts and minds. Will miss your one liners especially the naughty ones. Have a good chat with my dad xxx.

Love Colleen Ricky and family.

Talia Giles


Bob, I'll never forget when I bumped in to you on Borough Market and you promptly persuaded me to skip work and drink beer and ear oysters for the rest of the afternoon. I'll miss you and your stories loads, see you up there one day, love you, Talia. Much love and sympathy to wonderful Jan, Robert, Elaine and family xxxx

Anne Giles


Dear Uncle Bob
So sorry I wasn't able to see you in recent months. Deepest sympathy to all your family and of course to my lovely Aunty Jan. Rest well in Heaven. Love Anne

Judith Marsden


RIP Bob - you will be missed, much love and sympathies to Jan and your family. Charlie, Judith and Jade xx

Davina Henderson


Dearest Bob, we shall miss you and the laughs we had.
You left us too soon, I will always remember the good times.
Good night and god bless. RIP xx

Graham Mitchell


Dearest Bob a truly loved and respected man I will miss you and all the memories but your memory will live on forever in my heart RIP dear friend x

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

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