Ronald Frederick Shears

Ronald Frederick Shears

24.05.1936 - 27.12.2019

Ron sadly passed away on 27th December 2019 aged 83 years. Much loved dad of Rachel and Wayne. Sadly missed by all his family and friends



Never a day goes by without a thought of you, so many memories, more so today on your birthday.
Love always,
Wayne x



how can it be two years ago today since you passed away Dad. Love & Miss You, Always In My Thoughts, Always In My Heart Xxx



One year ago today I lost you & I miss you every single day, until we meet again Dad you are always in my heart, Lots of Love always Xxxxx

Rachel Harding


My Lovely Dad thinking of you more today on your Birthday we would normally go out for Fish & Chips then a walk along the seafront which you loved to do memories that will stay with me forever. Love & Miss You Always Xx



A very very lovely service for my wonderful Dad today with family & friends. You had the send off Just how you wanted & deserved Dad. RIP My lovely Dad I will love and miss you always but forever in my heart. A big thank you to Reynolds you did us all proud Xx



Ron ( my step father) forever in my heart and will be missed but always remembered. I will never forget everything you did for us . Say hi to mum and Tom for me . May we all meet one day again xxxx

Rubina Hawkins


All the beautiful memories, laughs, moans and cries we all have shared with you will be cherished and fondly remembered forever. I guess we all have a lot to keep ourselves busy with until we all meet again Ron Ron. Goodbye my friend.

PS. I promise to look after the Fusions as per your instructions but who is going to tell me when to cut them back now.

Lots of Love From ALL New Westcliff Hotel Staff

Christopher Barker


R.I.P Ron it was lovely getting to meet you x



To my brother
I feel lost without you will miss coming to see you and talking to you
See you over the rainbow

Lisa Bedding


Great uncle Ron
You were so much fun
Love Lillie grace & Harry Ronald xx

Lisa Bedding


Simply the best uncle
I miss hearing your laugh
I miss laughing with you
We had so much fun when you stayed,the memories I shall treasure forever
Loved you

Rachel Harding


My wonderful DadI love and miss you dearly, I will keep you safe in my heart forever and always

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

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