Shirley Louise Gregory

Shirley Louise Gregory

23.03.1936 - 01.03.2024

Shirley passed away peacefully at Apsley House Care Home, where she received compassionate care for many years. She will be deeply missed by all of her family and friends. May she Rest In Peace.

Charlie Gregory


Where do I start my darling? Thank you for 65 mostly happy years, would be false to say we never had problems but we overcame them together and came through.

You were a wonderful wife and mother although we didn't all appreciate it at the time.We raised four fantastic children, mostly you as I had to be away at times. I remember more than one of our children's friends saying they wished they had a mum like you.

You used to almost boast that you knew nothing about computers and modern tech. but my goodness you excelled in the things you did do. yoy knitted fantastically, dress making, cross stitch, crochet, tatting, embroidery, lace making all came as second nature to you. The The zenith of your achievements though was your cooking, I never knew anyone so talented, you could make a feast out of a slice of stale bread. Whether cooking for one or fifty you wouldn't bat an eyelid.

I miss you so very much my darling.



Your kindness and love for your family was overwhelming and I'm lucky to have had the pleasure of knowing you - the memories I have will always be kept close to my heart and the children's knitted blankets will always be treasured.
Rest in Peace.
With Love from,
Emma, Georgia and Oliver xxx

Jenny Laatz


It was hard to see you when you become unwell but I will remember you as you were before the dementia came. Your beautiful smile that could light up a room. You were everything a mum should be and more. I will miss you so much.
All my love

Marc Gregory


To Nanny Christmas, we love you and we will miss you every day, u are now at peace, we love you.
Elaine, Alfie, Molly, Joey, Disney Dog & Brenda Cat

I dont know where to start, this is the most difficult thing ive ever had to deal with and without you helping or guiding me it's even harder.
I know its to late but I apologise to you now for not coming to see you more often, but it was so difficult to see you in your home.
You were more of a mum to me than a Nan, you raised me after all your own children had left home, taught me right from wrong, taught me to be a better person, you guided me in the right direction, praised me when I was good, told me off if I messed up (uou did that alot), i will miss your happy smile, infectious laugh, your cooking (especially your Curry Puffs and i know 100% that Grandad will).
Your lilac tree bloomed today and has pride of place in our garden.
I've found a poem that sums it up as words as you know where not my speciality...

"The moment that you died, my heart was torn in two, one side filled with heartache, the other died with you.
I often lay awake at night, when the world is fast asleep, and take a walk down memory lane, with tears upon my cheek.
Remembering you is easy, I do it every day, but missing you is a heartache that never goes away.
I hold you tightly in my heart and you will always remain, until the joyous day arrive's when we will meet again."

I love you Nan with every ounce of my heart and I will miss you each and every single day.

Love Marc

Charlotte matthews.


We love you nan. you will always have a special place in our hearts. You will be dearly missed. You may be gone but you will never be forgotten.
Love you always.
Charlotte, John, Patrick,Stephen, xxx

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