Simon Hobson

Simon Hobson

17.12.1976 - 03.04.2022

Simon passed away on 3rd April 2022 aged 47 years he will be sadly missed by his devoted wife and his family and friends.

Natasha Scott


Very sorry to hear the sad news of Simon's passing at a such young age. R.I.P Simon

Shirley Chapman


I just don’t have the words to express how much I miss you. We spoke so often, I miss our chats but most of all your humour. You were my baby brother but your wisdom and advice was usually spot on. You helped me so very much recently. The world is a poorer place now you aren’t in it. I know you hated me saying it but, I love you bro xxx

julie beck


Goodnight and God bless you always Simon.I have treasured memories of you as we were growing up.You and Katie were so happy together and it was lovely to see.I am sorry you suffered ill health for so long but you did so bravely, with a sense of humour and with Katie at your side always. So proud to be your sister.Love you always and i will never forget you.Love Julie xxx

Katy Hobson


My dearest Simon,
Thank you for marrying me,thank you for everything even looking after me when I was down,you were the bravest man in the world,I don’t know how I will carry on without you,love you with all my heart Katy ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jayne Hardwell


Dearest Simon, it was a pleasure caring for you over the past several years. You fought your illness and hid your pain so bravely and now it is time to rest in peace. God bless you. Jayne xx

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

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