Spencer Justin Tomsett

Spencer Justin Tomsett

05.11.1973 - 09.08.2020

Spencer passed away on 9th August 2020. He will be very sadly missed by his devoted family and his many friends.

Matt Looby


I have been trying to reconnect with people from Uni days and was searching out Spencer. Absolutely gutted to hear this news, how sad. I lived with Spencer, along with Mark and Baz , out in Normandy (nr. Aldershot) in our 2nd year at Surrey Uni. We had some great days and nights being typical students. I remember his friend Jason too, coming up for the weekend in his MR2. Spencer was such a likeable person and I don't ever remember him without a smile on his face. Seems a little late, but still, my thoughts are with his family and friends



I was one of Spencers friends at Uni, along with Steve, John, Jim, Bob, Anne, Jan and others. Most of us had the same lectures and ended up hitting the student nights together. His friend Jason used to come down, and they loved showing off their cars and sound systems! Sadly we didn't stay in touch but we're truely shocked and saddened when we learnt the news. We all remember Spencer for being a cheaky, charming and incredibly likeable guy. We are so happy he found love and had at least some time with what looks like adorable children. Our thoughts are with all his family and friends.

Vicky W.


Always remember you in those carefree days working in the shop as a teen and you boys on the ramp, my happiest days... you will always be there in my memory, love to all your loved ones at this terrible time.

David Grady


Lots of great memories. You’ll be missed my friend.
David and Rebecca xx

Chris Gill


It was a pleasure and privilege to have been acquainted with you, albeit so briefly. You have touched so many lives. May the love and warmth expressed here bring strength to your devoted family and all your friends. God bless.

Mark Searle


We only worked together for a few short years but it was a pleasure to know you. Your calm sense of confidence and enjoyment of the little things in life was contagious. Thanks for the laughs and for helping me stay awake on the flight back from Ian's yacht! I guess I left it too late to catch up, rest in peace buddy.

Nicky &Nigel


We’ll really miss seeing you having fun with the family in the sea, what a great dad you were xx



Dearest Spen, I still can't quite believe you've gone. The office will not be the same without you. All those years of rolling your eyes at the silly conversations we had, everyone's book of knowledge, our top savings expert and just generally a lovely, down to earth, chilled guy. Miss you Spen - may you now rest in peace x

Jacqueline Alexander


I shall miss the possibility of bumping into you again but mostly I shall miss knowing you are in this world quietly making it a better place.

Emma Bailey


I will always remember those carefree days spent hanging out together as kids on Pagham Beach - neighbours and friends. I'll always remember playing 40-40 around your house, and falling into a concrete wall in your garden and nearly breaking my leg! The chunk out of my shin will forever remind me of that day! You were taken far too soon. You will always be a part of the soul and spirit of Pagham Beach. My heart aches for Kelly & your beautiful girls.



Dear Spen

I am still in shock and denial and expect to one day walk into the office to be greeted by you the early bird smiling and waxing lyrically and expertly in all things, I never needed to ask google when I had you!! A tragic loss, my thoughts to all your loved ones. Memories of you will always have a place in my heart.



In loving memory of our great friend Spencer who we were fortunate to share good memories and occasions with these last few years. Spencer, you will be hugely missed by us and we will not forget how you took our family under your wing, introduced the children to crabbing off the harbour, encouraged us onto body boards, marinated the most beautiful of pork loins for us... not forgetting your eye for a good bargain, the need for understanding detail and your love of TV/HiFi systems. You will be sorely missed Spencer.

Sending all our love at this difficult time to you Kelly and the girls. X

Lex, Rob, Freddie and Amelia



Calm, listening, and interested in everything. The steady rock I thought would always be there. You'll be greatly missed Spencer.



Well what can I say about Spenny! One of the kindest people I know, I have to say know, as this doesn’t quite feel real for me. I have always gone around with the lads, and Spen was the solid reliable one. (Sorry guys) I always went to Spen for advise and I shall miss his so much. Rest in perfect Peace my awesome friend. Those we Love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near., so loved, so missed, so very dear x



Well what can I say about Spenny! One of the kindest people I know, I have to say know, as this doesn’t quite feel real for me or any of us to be honest. I have always gone around with the lads, and Spen was the solid reliable one. (Sorry guys) I always went to Spen for advise and I shall miss his so much. Rest in perfect Peace my awesome friend. Those we Love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near., so loved, so missed, so very dear x

Robert Sweet


Dear Spencer, your easy going manner and good humour will be sadly missed, as will your universal knowledge on all things practical. When we chatted in the office your pride in your family shone through and I will greatly miss our chats about your Friday cooking which always made my mouth water. With all my love to Kelly and the girls.

Mat Holland


Good bye to my old friend from a time when things were nothing but fun, boats, beach and mad stuff. Will always remember those times as the best, with a fond heart. Good bye Spencer x

Sarah Rowlands


Hi Spencer
It is with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat that I reflect on the loss to the world of a vital, intelligent and enthusiastic young man, as well as the loss of a dad and hubbie.
We shared recipes that you cooked for your girls. When I cook them I consider them as a Spencer favourite, with Mars Bar cheesecake the tops. Now they take on a different meaning. I’ll not be able to make them without saying a prayer for you.
For Kelly, “Ever has it been that love knows not it’s own depth until the hour of separation.”
Kahlil Gibran
Reach out to your friends xx

Will Jackson


It's been too long and now sadly it will always be too long. As tennagers we spent so many long happy days on the beach, riding, skating and then then as we grew up the many nights spent in the pub and then in the club. Always the kid with a plan and you always executed the plan to perfection. I'll always remember the yellow Ford Fiesta that managed to run on zero fuel, the hours spent in scrap yards finding bits to keep it on the road and the giant subwoofers in the boot that i'm sure has affected half of Paghams hearing. Mate it was an honour to be your friend and I'm gutted we never had the chance to have another beer and catch up.

Lots of Love to Kelly, Charlotte and Sophia, our thoughts and love are with you.

Will Jackson (better known back in the day as Jinx).
P.S (The picture attached is the lads on our first holiday to Tenerife in around 1992).

Jason smith


A friendship of over 35 years, almost brotherly at times.

Growing up on the beach as next-door neighbours we would water ski before school then sleep the nights on the Cruiser you "acquired" miles out at sea (aged 12!) , the world was our oyster. Amazing times.

Spen was without doubt the most fearless person I have ever had the privilege in knowing. Typified by his bare foot water ski-ing in Florida '95. In typical Spencer fashion... yeah I can do that... and of course, he's perfect 1st time.....the locals were not impressed that a rookie had just whipped them all. Legendry.

So many memories and good times, never forgotten.

The best man, My best man. RIP Spen x

Love always

Jason, Aimee, Ava & Monty

John and Margaret Holland


We knew you for many years - as a youngster playing with our children on the beach; as a young man at your wedding with Kelly; as a sea lover all of us windsurfing and skiing and as a happy family man with your wife and children.
We will miss you Spencer but we have many happy memories.
Rest in peace.
John and Margaret xx

ian cartwright


Rest In Peace. I will always remember you.

Simon & Rosie


Always in our thoughts.

Julie Yates


My deepest sympathies go out to all Spencer's family and friends at this sad time xx

James Earley


Will miss you Spencer. Taken way too early. I have no idea who will advise me on all things car related now? :o) I'm certain that Kelly and your girls will all make you proud as you look over them in the future.

Joanne Holcombe


Dear Spencer, how I will miss you. 8 to 8.30 a.m. in the office was our catch up time, before anyone else arrived. You had so much more to do!

Jonny Dunning


Good times, definitely involving ale!

Jonny Dunning


This one goes back a few years as can be seen from the style (and amount) of Spen's hair. Party fun, no doubt involving some sort of ale...

Jonny & Diane Dunning


A great friend who will always be missed.

Really lovely photos in the memorial, Diane and I just thought we'd add a few of our own.

After years of me raving about how great Stand Up Paddleboarding was and him generally saying it looked 'rubbish' I finally convinced him to give it a go and, in typical Spencer fashion, he took to it instantly and in a matter of weeks was far better at it than I could ever hope to be!

Lots of great memories of paddleboarding with Spen, including the last time I saw him when we went for a classic Pagham paddle into the harbour and back and even caught a few waves in the sunshine.

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who attended, sent floral tributes and made donations.

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