Trevor Mark Charlwood

Trevor Mark Charlwood

14.12.1954 - 18.04.2023

Trevor sadly passed away on 18th April 2023, aged 68 years.  Much loved and sadly missed by all his family and friends.

Damian Bryant


I used to work with Trevor many years ago at Skandia, and we often had joint meetings and lots of laughs together. I spoke to Trevor 2 years ago and he hadn’t changed a bit. I went to meet his old firm today and was looking forward to meeting him, only to find out the devastating news. Trevor, you were a good friend, and you leave a massive void! So proud of his wife and his son, and he loved telling me how well he was doing at at pool. My thoughts with the loved ones he leaves behind. So sad I didn’t get to say goodbye. Rest in peace Trevor.

Janet White


I'm going to miss you Trev, or should i say Darling ( family joke x ).
I'll always remember the fun times we had as a family at my mums, winding poor nan up lol.
You are one of a kind that's for sure, there will never be another Trevor Charlwood x x x x

This funeral was arranged by Reynolds

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